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Hong Kong Intelligence Report #58 愛國的情報 – 閱讀美國防情局防情管理手冊

Updated: Dec 1, 2024

Open-source intelligence (OSINT)

Hong Kong Intelligence Report #58 愛國的情報 – 閱讀美國防情局防情管理手冊
FILE PHOTO: 愛國的情報 –閱讀美國防情局防情管理手冊 Sources © Dailymotion / Envato

IMPORTANT 美國防情局防情管理手冊

a. 前美國軍事情報分析員Scott Ritter早前介紹了DIA的《美國防情局防情管理手冊》(Defense Intelligence Management Document; DIA-27; 1995年)。 讀者熟讀之後,就感覺大部分的官腔敘述過度重複同一用詞令人十分乏味。不過,它提供的其實不是簡單方法論,而是讀者面對淪為廣告商資本行銷人員的如今所謂‘記者’們時,就可以提供



b. 在 ‘精英’獨裁的社團主義社會裡,主流媒體的御用評論員會向一般市民鼓吹 ‘不關心社會議題的態度’,即一般市民沒有政治權利,也不是議員,談什麼社會議題也是徒勞的。意思是說,一般市民該不關心社會議題,政治,經濟,文化領域的諸問題。這些都是全交給 ‘專家’, ‘精英’, ‘議員’, ‘政府’來代替處理,不要思考,要盲從 ‘高級’。然而,最受社會問題影響的,最遭受其失策影響和損失的都往往不是那些高高在上的 ‘精英’們自己,而是最薄弱的一般市民。因此之故,真理與主流媒體的正論正相反,

最該關心社會議題的卻是最受其害的弱勢族群和普通市民大眾自己。這跟自己有無政治權力和 ‘精英’頭銜毫無關係。

反過來說在資本主義社會裡,這就是所謂 ‘叫人衝,自己鬆’, ‘給人規則,自己則不受限制’的 ‘精英們’, ‘專家們’的本質。

c. 從這個手冊的觀點來看,自從2021年8月19日的拜登的ABC訪問起大力傳播至今的 ‘中國入侵台灣’的陰謀論/威脅論的重點並不是中方戰機/艦艇的巡邏/繞台活動頻繁云云,而是

中方對台有無採取具毀滅性的經濟制裁/封鎖(意在先削弱社會士氣以及 ‘國軍’軍事力量;當解放軍登陸時戰情必定會是已確定勝敗之後)。這才是彰顯不顧兩岸經貿關係而敢動武的真正警訊,預兆

2022年2月21日報導的有關對台軍購的美商Raytheon Technologies和Lockheed Martin的中方制裁,還不算數。因此,親中/反中兩大陣營的 ‘中國入侵台灣’論目前根本站不住腳,空洞無物,不超過政宣的範疇。甚至,身為大本營媒體的中國的官方媒體也並沒有醞釀武統的社會氣氛。

d. 另一個重要的個案是 ‘俄羅斯入侵烏克蘭’的全球媒體戰。從2022年2月24日起俄軍發動的 ‘特殊軍事行動’的重點在於俄羅斯的動機和脈絡。不像 ‘俄羅斯專家’們的‘正論’,俄方的主張早就在2014年烏克蘭顏色革命(危機)及克里米亞危機後的頓巴斯戰爭中一再清晰宣傳的,而不是今年才開始討論的。

1.從烏克蘭新納粹勢力的攻打保護頓巴斯的俄裔頓涅茨克和盧甘斯克居民(放棄不被烏方遵守的新明斯克協議而改承認DPR頓涅茨克和LPR盧甘斯克人民共和國);2. 阻止烏克蘭加入NATO=NATO續東擴=失去俄國人的地理政治學‘緩衝區’(非軍事化與去納粹化)。 誠然,在此戰爭中,俄羅斯的民族主義宣傳簡潔明瞭。俄烏戰爭將會同時結束八年頓巴斯戰爭,最終推翻2014年顏色革命的西方‘成果’。


e. 歐盟,五眼聯盟以及其他美國盟國對俄制裁是 ‘不戰而勝’的原子彈


即不僅目前歐美台日對俄發動的經濟制裁手段將會對中國趁機/製造藉口運用,像全球主要的美元國際結算系統(SWIFT環球銀行金融電信協會)排除,不提供半導體等,而最重要的也就是不戰而獲 ‘戰利品’(沒收俄國的海外金融資產)。前者是攬炒,希望推翻普京政權,後者則是更緊要的目的即掠奪對方/敵國的資產(戰利品)。其實這改變了戰爭以及經濟制裁的觀念。換言之,一般而言,侵略戰爭的目的是掠奪他國的資產。

此次歐美軍不敢打俄國,也打不贏俄國,不過,仍然可以贏得‘戰利品’。 ‘不戰而勝’這似乎不常理的事情仍是在軍事的範疇之內。打戰的觀念也在不斷演變。


f. 《防情管理手冊》中對一般市民也有用的一般原則如下:

1. 確定該主題的資源,包括系統、資金和

專家。(Identifying resources for the topic, including systems, funding, and


2. 要求收集任何必不可少的資訊缺口。 (Requesting collection for any essential Information gaps.)

3. 完成對該主題的原創性研究。(Completing original research on the topic. )這是為什麼美軍的情報機構一律不准看維基百科。

4. 以最終形式和媒體產生情報。(Producing Intelligence in final form and media. )

5. 與情報有關的政策、程序、優先事項、指南和其他管理主題,包括系統和方法手冊支持情報循環,從而形成完整的情報。 (Intelligence related policies, procedures, priorities, guidance, and other management topics to include system and methodology handbooks that support the intelligence cycle that results in finished intelligence.)

Note:The Intelligence Cycle is the process of developing raw information into finished intelligence for policymakers to use in decision-making and action.

CONTENTS – Summary

(U) IFC 1114 戰略層面的領導/參與國家事務。


(U) IFC 1114 Strategic-Level Leadership/Participation in National

Affairs. The role of the ground forces and leadership in national affairs

and policy. It includes loyalty to the regime, relations with civil organizations, national security decision-making process, and impact on domestic and international policies. (1)

(U) ICCl515 軍隊參與國家行動。軍隊在國家事務中的作用及其對國家政策的影響。




(U) ICCl515 Military Participation in National Affairs. The role of the

armed forces in national affairs and their influence on national policy. It

includes such factors as loyalty to regime, military cliques, relationship of

military and civilian political groups, political officers in armed forces,

subversive activities by or against armed forces, coups, military

governments, national security decision-making process, and actual or

potential conflict situations within the armed forces that could significantly

affect national relationships with the United States, including creation of

a favourable environment for U.S. security arrangements.

…the full spectrum of hostilities Also includes analysis of regional and

global issues impacting or including national/multinational military forces. (2)

(U) ICC1516 國內政治事務。國內政策目標。










在情報支持下否絕信息,影響、降低或破壞對手的C4I(命令 Command, 控制 Control, 傳播 Communications, 電腦 Computers, and

情報 Intelligence)的能力;並保護友方C4I免受此類行動的影響。


(U) ICC1516 Internal Political Affairs. Domestic policy objectives,

programs, and actions (other than national security and economic programs

having international implications) which could significantly affect

relationships with or attitudes and policies toward the US. Internal

political developments, particularly those involving elements of instability

or vulnerability in relationships among the ruling hierarchy, the political

party or parties, labour unions, ethnic and religious groups, changes in the

representation and roles of politically significant parties, factions, and mass

organizations; differences in perspectives on domestic and international

developments and key influences, domestic and foreign, on the internal

decision making process. Includes democratization and election


…physical destruction —

supported by intelligence —

to deny information, to influence, degrade, or destroy adversary C4I

capabilities; and to protect friendly C4I against such actions.

Improved means to achieve deceptive realism. (3)

(U) IFC1530 社會學問題和因素: 人口特徵


(U) IFC1530 Sociological Issues and Factors. Population characteristics

that impact on political stability and military capabilities to

include loyalty and support to the civilian government and the

vulnerabilities to psychological operations.(4)

(U) ICC1535 媒體關係




(U) ICC1535 Media Relations. Role and influence of media, its affects

on public opinion, and on a country’s foreign and domestic policy.

Includes various mass media organizations, agencies in existence, the

techniques and themes of propaganda used by the media and the presence

of government control. (5)

(U) ICC1536 相關軍事問題。腐敗,對人權的支持,對民主的支持,對外國政府的態度。



(U) ICC1536 Related Military Issues. Corruption, support for human

rights, support for democracy, attitudes toward foreign governments.

Attitudes toward ties to foreign militaries, and altitude toward civilian

leadership control of the military within the armed forces. (6)

(U) ICCl537 外國施加影響的努力。這些能力,




(U) ICCl537 Foreign Efforts to Exert Influence: Those capabilities,

intentions, and current activities to influence events and the behaviours or of

foreign planners, decision-makers, and groups in other countries to enhance

their military posture and that could affect U.S. military posture. It includes

foreign perception management, psychological operations, disinformation,

active measures and military deception operations. (7)

(U) ICC1538 對心理作戰的弱點。



(U) ICC1538 Vulnerabilities to Psychological Operations. Vulnerability

of populace a country to psychological operations. Includes morale and

loyalty of populace, vulnerable issues, and ideological indoctrination of the

local population. (8)

(U) IFC1580 敵對行動。破壞國家穩定和安全的當前和預期條件導致敵對行動,參與其中的人員。導致敵對行動的國家穩定和安全狀況、參與軍事衝突的人員以及正在進行的敵對行動。


(U) IFC1580 Hostilities. Present and projected conditions undermining

national stability and security, leading to hostilities, elements involved in

military conflict, and ongoing hostilities. Covers situations ranging from

sanctions and embargoes to insurgencies, civil war, and regional conflict. (9)

(U) ICC158I 制裁(軍事問題)





(U) ICC1581 Sanctions (Military Issues). Military impact of economic

and military sanctions against targeted countries, Impact of sanctions on

domestic support for the regimes of targeted countries. Efforts of targeted

countries to circumvent sanctions. Support for and compliance with

sanctions by nontargeted countries. Companies and individuals involved

in circumventing sanctions, trade routes and financial methods used, and

individual shipments of unauthorized goods. (10)

(U) ICC1583 初期叛亂情形。政治、軍事、經濟、社會和地理因素。



(U) ICC1583 Incipient Insurgency Situation. Political, military,

economic, social, and geographic factors supporting potential insurgency.

Includes the characteristics and capabilities of potential guerrilla elements, the extent of foreign support to anti-government elements, and the likelihood of involvement of insurgents in the event of major natural or economic disaster. (11)

(U) ICC1584 積極的叛亂。在一個國家的敵對行動中的所有因素中



(U) ICC1584 Active Insurgency. All factors in hostilities in a country

carried on by dissident elements aiming at overthrow of the constituted

government. Includes the size, composition, organization, equipment, and

overall capabilities of the insurgent groups and foreign involvement in the

conflict. (12)

(U) ICC1585 內戰。一國合法政府與國內各黨派或地區之間的敵對行動的所有因素。



(U) ICC1585 Civil War. All factors in hostilities between the legitimate

government of a country and parties or regions within the country

conducted at a higher level of combat and intensity than an insurgency.

May involve secession of a region. Includes the size, composition,

organization, equipment, and overall capabilities of the combatants and any

foreign involvement in the conflict. (13)

(U) ICC1586 區域衝突。所有因素在低水平的衝突。


(U) ICC1586 Regional Conflict. All factors in low levels of conflict,

ranging from a small border war to hostilities between two or more nations involved in the conflict. (14)

(U) ICC1672 生物武器研究。開發,測試和評估。研究和開發的範圍,有效地生產和使用生物武器的研究和開發活動,生物武器和使用這些武器的特定裝置的開發,以及生物武器性能的技術特徵,如:生物武器的使用。


(U) ICC1672 Biological Warfare Weapons Research. Development,

Test and Evaluation. The spectrum of research and development

activities to produce and use biological weapons effectively, the development of biological weapons and devices specific to the use of those weapons, and technical characteristics of biological weapons performance, detection, reconnaissance, decontamination, and collective/individual

protection. (15)

(U) ICC1675 化學、生物和輻射防禦性設備。




(U) ICC1675 Chemical, Biological, and Radiological Defensive

Equipment. System factors specified in 1100 for forces employing

chemical and biological defence (e.g., chemical, and biological

identification, protection, decontamination). Includes design and use of

protective equipment and techniques for contamination avoidance and for

decontamination. (16)

(U) ICC1817 獲得性免疫缺陷綜合徵(AIDS) - 流行病學方面。


(U) ICC1817 Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) —

Epidemiological Aspects. Populations and subpopulations Infected with

Human Immuno-deficiency Virus (WV and Its variants), including statistics

on the number of persons infected and the cases of clinical AIDS, risk

groups, local and international transmission modes, and expected spread of

AIDS within a country or sub-population, national surveillance and

diagnostic capabilities; Impact of AIDS on national health systems and

budgets. (17)

(U) ICC1818 獲得性免疫缺陷綜合症(AIDS)- 社會學方面。








(U) ICC1818 Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) —

Sociological Aspects. The incidence and prevalence of AIDS within

political, economic, and military elites, or other key groups with potential

pro- or anti-Western guerrilla capabilities. The impact of AIDS on

political, social, economic, and military organizations, processes, and

capabilities. National responses to the internal incidence of AIDS,

incidence of AIDS in adjoining countries, or incidence of AIDS in allied

countries. National attitudes toward the United States relating to AIDS.

Indications of and response to disinformation concerning AIDS aimed at

foreign governments or against any ethnic minorities within a country. (18)

(U) ICC1914 對外貿易。貿易政策、協議、談判策略戰略;影響貿易政策的法律、法規;貿易政策的國內壓力;貿易夥伴的工業組織對貿易政策的影響,如一個國家對另一個國家的原材料的需求。補貼貿易計劃。貿易夥伴/國家的計劃和意圖,包括金融組織。




(U) ICC1914 Foreign Trade. Trade policies, agreements, negotiating

strategies; Laws, regulations affecting trade policies, Domestic pressures

on trade policies; industrial organizations of trading partners -

effects of industry on trade such as one country’s need of another country’s raw

materials. Subsidies trade programs. Plans and intentions of trading

partners /countries to include finance organizations. Subversive targeting

of US markets and technologies by competitors. Existence of cartels or

other actions among competitors to hamper US access to foreign markets.

Any government role in or knowledge of such activities. (19)

(U) ICC1915 銀行和金融。財政、貨幣政策。




(U) ICC1915 Banking and Finance. Fiscal, monetary policies,

capabilities and practices, market activities, management of international

debt to includes terms given and received and performance on meeting

those terms of repayment. Government’s reaction to US, another Country,

and multilateral lending institutions’ initiatives. (20)

(U) ICC1916 投資。國家投資的統計趨勢和資本成本。國家現有的發展資本來源。


(U) ICC1916 Investments. Statistical trends in the country’s investment

and cost of capital. Country’s available sources of development capital.

The extent they are public or private, domestic, or foreign. (21)

(U) ICC1980 自給性生產和分配。








(U) ICC1980 Subsistence Production and Distribution. Nature of the

agricultural labour force to include performance and self-sufficiency. Type

of agriculture that must be imported. Extent of country’s agricultural

resources and technology and the impact of technology on the country’s

overall productivity. The amount of land under cultivation, Its capacity for

production and arability, the types of crops grown and annual yields.

Imminence of famine or severe food shortage, extent that foreign food

assistance is being sought/obtained. Extent that a country is dependent on

water resources of adjacent jurisdictions. (22)

(U) ICC2170 文化地理學。民族、社會學、歷史和人口因素,因為它們與自然環境有關。


(U) ICC2170 Cultural Geography. Ethnic, sociological, historical, and

demographic factors as they relate to the physical environment that

contribute to societal instability and significantly influence military

Operations. (23)

(U) ICC2230 執法 包括出口法的執行。



(U) ICC2230 Law Enforcement Includes enforcement of export laws,

protection of persons, property, environment, interdiction of illegal aliens

and enforcement of immigration laws, arms, narcotics, or narcotics and

border enforcement strategy. Identity of vulnerabilities of foreign law

enforcement agencies, policies/management, and organizational structure,

territorial divisions, weapons and equipment used by law enforcement

agents, communications intercept capabilities, and evidence of cooperation

with insurgent groups or government agencies. Coordination and

cooperation of international investigations with law enforcement

counterparts in foreign countries including sharing of databases, link

analysis, and telephone analysis. Organizations, policy, leadership,

human/civil rights stance, and law enforcement capabilities. (24)



Addresses HUMINT, SIGINT, IMINT, MASINT, and OPINT programs and other technical

collection programs. Includes targets, projects, personnel, contacts,

coverage, espionage, training, collection, processing, evaluation, analysis,

and production capabilities. Evidence of foreign intelligence service or

government success at penetrating, or inability to penetrate, the U.S. or allied

government-affiliated physical, personnel, document, computer, or

communications security programs; technical surveillance systems; or other

security countermeasures. (25)

IFC2400 恐怖主義 (U)






IFC2400 Terrorism (U)

Indigenous or international terrorist organizations with a capability to

threaten U.S. interests including intentions, weapons, capabilities, finances,

extent of support by host or other nations; relations with another terrorist

groups; transportation of terrorists or terrorist munitions, and impact of

activities in host or other nations’ policies toward the United States. Also

includes international piracy and the police, military, and paramilitary

Counter-terrorist forces. (26)

(U) ICC2410 國際恐怖主義。組織,意圖。




(U) ICC2410 International Terrorism. Organization, intentions,

weapons anti capabilities, finances, and activities of international and

indigenous terrorist elements worldwide with an emphasis on their ability

to threaten U.S. citizens, facilities, and interests. Includes support to

terrorist organizations and activities, including state sponsorship issues, and

potential for terrorist acquisition/use of WMD. (27)

(U) ICC2420 反恐怖主義。各國的政策和行動。



(U) ICC2420 Counterterrorism. Policies and actions of individual

countries to counter terrorism threats. Organization, capabilities, and plans

to respond to threat of terrorist actions or actual incidents. Includes police,

military, and paramilitary counter-terrorism forces. (28)

ICC3000 信息戰 (U)


ICC3000 Information Warfare (U)

Strategy, doctrine, tactics, organization, procedures, facilities, and

technology applications used by a nation’s military, political, or

commercial entities to seize and maintain a decisive advantage by covertly or overtly attacking foreign automated information systems operating within the global information environment while protecting their own. (29)

(U) IFC2619 與毒品有關的關鍵人物傳記。關於與主要毒品販運組織有關的主要和潛在的重要個人的數據。包括生命統計數據、個人特徵和與東道國主要政治家的關係

(U) IFC2619 Key Drug-Related Figures Biographies. Data on leading

and potentially important individuals associated with major drug trafficking

organizations. Includes vital statistics, personal characteristics, and

affiliations to key host-nation politicians. (30)

(U) IFC2620 恐怖分子傳記。與恐怖活動和團體有關的主要和潛在的重要人員的數據。


(U) IFC2620 Terrorist Biographies. Data on leading and potentially

important personnel associated with terrorist activities and groups.

Includes vital statistics, education and training, positions held, participation

in terrorist operations, competency, political affiliation and/or attitudes,

languages spoken, marital status, religion, personal characteristics, attitude

toward the United States, and state of health and/or disabilities. (31)

ICC9000 指示和警告(U)









ICC9000 Indications and Warning (U)

Information that alerts or warns of threat situations or impending courses

of action detrimental to the United States or its interests. It covers

indications of enemy capabilities, hostile actions, or intentions; imminence

of hostilities; insurgency; nuclear or nonnuclear attack on the United

States, its overseas forces, or allied nations; hostile reaction to U.S.

military operations; terrorist attacks; and any other event significantly

threatening U.S. security interests in the near future. This time-sensitive

information contributes to correlation and recognition of threat indications

for warning action. (32)

(U) IFC9080 I&W – 威脅美國生命或財產的內部政治不穩定




(U) IFC9080 I&W — Internal Political Instability Threatening U.S.

Lives or Property. Internal political, religious, or ethnic movements

threatening U.S. lives or property. Anti-U.S. ethnic or nationalistic

attitudes or policies. Civil unrest. Also, U.S. personnel concentrations.

Local elements sympathetic to U.S. policies and presence, and public

opinion of U.S. presence. (33)


信息/ 資訊:可用於產生情報的各種未經評估的材料。

Information: Unevaluated material of every description that may be used in

the production of intelligence.



Information Warfare: Strategy, doctrine, tactics, organization, procedures, facilities,

ad technology applications used by a nation’s military, political, or commercial entities to seize and maintain a decisive advantage by covertly or overtly attacking foreign automated

information systems operating within the global information environment while protecting their own.


Intelligence: The product resulting from the collection, processing,

integration, analysis, evaluation, and interpretation of available

information concerning foreign countries or areas.


Current intelligence: All types and forms of intelligence of immediate interest that is

usually disseminated without the delays necessary to complete

evaluation or interpretation.


一言以蔽之,《防情管理手冊》(Defense Intelligence Management Document; DIA-27; 1995年)提供了讀者收看國內外大量新聞時要注意的重點和論點。與市面的情報指南書正相反,在其中展現的都是高度辯證的純粹理性思考,而嚴格地排除了任何政治正確的因素,只有愛國的,即站在自己國家利益的立場而已。這才是真正有益該學習的情報分析態度。


1. The Défense Intelligence Agency (DIA), (March, 1995) ' Defense Intelligence Management Document.' P.54. Available at

2. Ibid., pp.69-70.

3. Ibid., pp.70-71.

4. Ibid., p.72.

5. Ibid.

6. Ibid.

7. Ibid.

8. Ibid.

9. Ibid.

10. Ibid., p.77.

11. Ibid.

12. Ibid.

13. Ibid.

14. Ibid.

15. Ibid., pp.79-80.

16. Ibid., p.80.

17. Ibid., p.83.

18. Ibid.

19. Ibid., p.88.

20. Ibid.

21. Ibid.

22. Ibid. , p.90.

23. Ibid. , p.92.

24. Ibid.

25. Ibid. , p.93.

26. Ibid., p.94.

27. Ibid.

28. Ibid.

29. Ibid. , p.96.

30. Ibid.

31. Ibid.

32. Ibid. , p.97.

33. Ibid. , p.98.

Special Thanks to DIA

Hong Kong Intelligence Report #58 愛國的情報 – 閱讀美國防情局防情管理手冊


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