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張達明《何為證據:揭露香港亂象的幕後黑手》(三思文商傳訊有限公司, 2018) What is Evidence ? : Exposing Insiders Behind the Politics

Updated: Jan 6

張達明《何為證據:揭露香港亂象的幕後黑手》(三思文商傳訊有限公司, 2018)  What is Evidence ? : Exposing Insiders Behind the Politics
FILE PHOTO: A Book Cover of 何為證據: 揭露香港亂象的幕後黑手. ©三思文商傳訊有限公司


Chinese Original Title: 何為證據: 揭露香港亂象的幕後黑手

English Book Title: 'What is Evidence?: Exposing Insiders Behind

the Political Disturbance of Hong Kong'

Author: 張達明 Zhang Da-ming

Pages: 316pp.

Publisher: 三思文商傳訊有限公司 (Macao)

ISBN:9993771236, 9789993771234

Comment 揭露香港亂象的幕後黑手

Every Year, the Hong Kong Book Fair (香港書展) is held at Wan Zai. In 2018, a politically important book was released at the fair. Not only can guests enjoy book discounts, but also this kind of premier release of sensational books is its surprise. 

In this new book, English translated with the title 'What is Evidence?:Exposing Insiders Behind the Political Disturbance of Hong Kong', ex-assistant of Joseph Yu-shek Cheng (鄭宇碩) who was the co-organizer of the Hong Kong color revolution of 2014, Mr. Zhang Da-ming (張達明) braverily exposed the contributions of stealth imperialist organizations, mainly NED=NDI funding of anti-China political organizations in Hong Kong and Taiwan. 

The New School for Democracy is a main political device for training anti-communist political parties, proxies and puppet students of Hong Kong, Taiwan and Mainland China, whose organization was founded before the Occupation of Central, the Umbrella Movement and Sunflower Movement. 

It also disclosed how stealth imperialism in China infiltrated societies from the educational field, like City University of Hong Kong in this case, then it infiltrated gradually into anti-China political parties and anti-China NGOs. 

Who drove students into the anti-China color revolution? This is the answer in this book. 

NEW School for Democracy (headquartered in Hong Kong and has a Taipei office) requested financial support from NED and TFD (Taiwan Foundation for Democracy) through US Consulate General of Hong Kong & Macao, NDI office in Hong Kong and the Democratic Progressive Party to train and help organising Jasmine Revolution in Mainland China, Sunflower Movement, Occupation of Central and Umbrella Movement. 

I have to mention that this book is politically published by a Macau publisher, not by a Hong Kong publisher, due to eminent law threatening from the opponents of this author of the book. Macau is safer than Hong Kong to publish this kind of book. Hong Kong's law courts are highly infiltrated by colonial reactionary judges. Macao's political situation is better. 

The Enemies of Chinese People say you're 'Five Cents' (五毛)? That's distortion. They received foreign and domestic traitors' money. It is worse than receiving money from your own government.

According to the data, NED imperialist money $4.5K to New School for Democracy (華人民主書院), Alliance for True Democracy (真普選聯盟) and $3K to Power for Democracy (民主動力) proved by inner email records as actual evidences. 

You should check who belongs to these coalition parties, which are at least formed by the main parties out of power in Hong Kong. Manipulation of foreign politics and its elections was mainly done by NED, NDI, Amnesty International, Taiwan (Soochow University) etc. outside parties. 

Taiwan is a back office of anti-China operations in Hong Kong. Of course, ADN in South Korea is Asia's center of NED's regional operations as a whole. And it is one of the origins of the anti-Korean racist attitude of the Japanese right wing. 

This mode of infiltration is also typical in Japan. In Japan, NED infiltrated dissidents and political parties out of power through scholars and student groups of International Christian University. Of course, it is not a real pro-left university, but it is a pro-right wing one. And the State Department wants to establish two puppet party system like Taiwan. NED is paying salaries or funding events or advertisements. 

Not only does this book prove that stealth imperialism is not a conspiracy theory's fictional imagination of the Cold War era, but it also enlightens us about the true reality of local and international politics of today. Stealth Imperialism is not imagination, not fiction, but it is an international and local political threat from the US State Department. 

The point is that there are actual foreign government-funded political organizations to infiltrate and manipulate local politics and its elections, while US domestic law bans foreign interference in its domestic elections. 

Hong Kong's political parties out of power are basically puppets of US imperialist regimes. Pro-China versus anti-China is the true frame of political conflicts in Hong Kong. Stealth imperialism is fake democracy.

This book provides factual evidence and actual solid background information for enforcing strong resistance and accusations against local imperialist agents in both Hong Kong and Taiwan, which have been destabilized by US imperialists for decades. 

During the 2014 Umbrella Movement (9/26-12/15/2014), ex-chief executive of Hong Kong, CY Leung, announced his preparation of disclosing this NED funding of local political parties for the color revolution. However, he did not disclose it. At that time, the Chinese government did not allow it to prevent further conflict with the US. Since March 23, the US and China have been in a trade war. This change of political context finally allowed it to be publicized in Hong Kong. 

This is the best book of 2018 in Hong Kong! We need more Zhang Da-ming!

It is important that NED and its related organizations are just part of the imperialist organization in Hong Kong. According to this book (see pp.99-102; 107-112), the exact names of foreign agencies (the puppet masters of NOYDA) which are directly or indirectly in service of their own imperialist activities in Hong Kong are below:

1. EU

a. The Hong Kong-Europe Business Council

b. European Instruments for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR)

c. European External Action Service

d. European Parliament

e. European Commission

f. European Commission of Human Rights

2. France

a. Department of Foreign Affairs of France Government

b. CCFD-Terre Solidaire

c. Consulat général de France à Hong Kong et Macao

3. Germany

a. German Consulate General Hong Kong

b. German Government

c. Konrad Adenauer Foundation

d. Catholic organisation, Misereor

e. Universität Freiburg

4. UK

a. The Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA)

b. Westminster Foundation for Democracy WFD

c. The Great Britain-China Centre

d. Foreign and Commonwealth Office

e. The British Consulate-General in Hong Kong

5. US

a. U.S. Consulate General in Hong Kong & Macau

b. U.S. Senate

c. U.S. State Department

d. CIA Central Intelligence Agency as a consultant

e. NED as a main fund provider

f. NDI as a contact person

g. The Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation named Marion Smith

h. IRI as a contact person

6. Japan

a. Consulate-General of Japan in Hong Kong

b. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan

Note: As a puppet of US imperialism, Post-War Japan is in service of it. JP imperialism still does exist as part of Western imperialism. 

7. The United Nations

a. The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe

8. Taiwan

a. Taiwan Foundation for Democracy

b. Soochow University

c. Democratic Progressive Party

9. Switzerland

a. Federal Department of Foreign Affairs

b. Universität Zürich

c. Université de Genève

10. Canada

a. Department of Foreign Affairs Canada

b. Canadian Consulate in Hong Kong

c. Queen's Privy Council for Canada

11. Australia

a. Australian Embassy China

b. Consulate of Australia in Hong Kong

c. Office of the Hon Tanya Plibersek MP

d. The Australian Labor Party

To be continued...


This series of book reviews are written for Hong Kong published books mainly. And its field ranges from politics, economy, culture and history that the writer is quite familiar with.

Any part of this report may be disseminated without permission, provided attribution to Ryota Nakanishi as author and a link to is provided.


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