香港現地採用の労働契約で、十三ヶ月目の給与としての確実に支給されるボーナスは、ダブルペイという。ボーナスが、日本的になしなのか? 資本家任意によるお年玉の如く賞金(紅包)なのか?それともいわゆる任意でないボーナスなのか?労働者は、まずそれらの契約上のボーナスの性質を明確にする必要がある。日本的には、日本のボーナスも例えば一円のボーナスもボーナスであり、一円の昇給も昇給ありとして今では求人文句や就業規則で詐欺的に謳われている。この辺の現実感覚も必要である。三種の神器の時代は20世紀である。対米従属の小泉政権以降の21世紀は、日本はネオリベ超格差社会の時代である。そして、香港はそれ以上のネオリベ社会である。ここには、不幸にも左の影響など微塵もないのがメディアの報道とは正反対の香港の実際である。どこに共産党の影響などあるのか?
年末報酬(End of Year Payment)
香港の労働法規上は、年末報酬(End of Year Payment)という形で第11A条で規定されている。それに依ると、年末報酬とは名目がいかなるものであれ、契約上支給を合意した毎年の定期的な報酬、ボーナスであり、贈与賞与の性質を有さず、また資本家の任意による毎年支給される報酬やボーナスまたはそれらの一部ではない。
In this Part, unless the context otherwise requires—
(Amended 7 of 2007 s. 5)
end of year payment
(年終酬金) means any annual payment (whether described as “thirteenth month payment”, “fourteenth month payment”, “double pay”, “end of year bonus” or otherwise) or annual bonus of a contractual nature, but does not include any annual payment or any annual bonus, or any proportion thereof, which is of a gratuitous nature or which is payable only at the discretion of the employer;
(Amended 74 of 1997 s. 6)
lunar year
(農曆年) means a Chinese lunar year ending immediately before a Lunar New Year’s Day;
payment period
(酬金期) has the meaning assigned to it by section 11C;
proportion of the end of year payment
(部分年終酬金) means the proportion of the end of year payment calculated in accordance with section 11F.
(Amended 7 of 2007 s. 5)
For the purposes of subsections (3), (4) and (5),
(工資) includes any sum paid by an employer in respect of—
a day of maternity leave, a day of paternity leave, a rest day, a sickness day, a holiday or a day of annual leave taken by the employee;
(Amended 21 of 2014 s. 5)
a day of leave taken by the employee with the agreement of his employer;
a normal working day on which the employee is not provided with work;
a day of absence from work of the employee due to temporary incapacity for which compensation is payable under section 10 of the Employees’ Compensation Ordinance (Cap. 282).
(Added 7 of 2007 s. 5)
In this Part, a reference to the full month’s wages of an employee is to be construed as a reference to the monthly average of the wages earned by the employee during—
the period of 12 months immediately before the day on which the end of year payment becomes due to the employee under section 11E(1) or (2) or the day on which the proportion thereof becomes due to the employee under section 11F(3) or (4) (as appropriate) (due day); or
if the employee has been employed by the employer concerned for a period shorter than 12 months immediately before the due day, the shorter period.
(Added 7 of 2007 s. 5)
In calculating the monthly average of the wages earned by an employee during the period of 12 months or the shorter period—
any period therein for which the employee was not paid his wages or full wages by reason of—
any maternity leave, paternity leave, rest day, sickness day, holiday or annual leave taken by the employee;
(Amended 21 of 2014 s. 5)
any leave taken by the employee with the agreement of his employer;
his not being provided by his employer with work on any normal working day; or
his absence from work due to temporary incapacity for which compensation is payable under section 10 of the Employees’ Compensation Ordinance (Cap. 282); and
any wages paid to him for the period referred to in paragraph (a),
are to be disregarded.
(Added 7 of 2007 s. 5)
For the avoidance of doubt, if the amount of the wages paid to an employee in respect of a day specified in subsection (2) is only a fraction of the amount earned by the employee on a normal working day, the wages and the day are to be disregarded in accordance with subsection (4).
(Added 7 of 2007 s. 5)
Despite subsection (3), if for any reason it is impracticable to calculate the monthly average of the wages earned by an employee in the manner provided in that subsection, the amount may be calculated by reference to the wages earned by a person who was employed at the same work by the same employer during the period of 12 months immediately before the due day, or, if there is no such person, by a person who was employed in the same trade or occupation and at the same work in the same district during the period of 12 months immediately before the due day.
(Added 7 of 2007 s. 5)
It shall be presumed that an annual payment or annual bonus is not of a gratuitous nature and is not payable only at the discretion of the employer unless there is a written term or condition in the contract of employment to the contrary.
For the avoidance of doubt, it is hereby declared that subsection (1) shall not apply to any contract of employment made before the commencement* of this section.
(Added 74 of 1997 s. 7)
Proportion of the end of year payment
Subject to subsections (1A) and (1B), where, in the case of an employee to whom this Part applies who has not been employed by the same employer for the whole of a payment period but has been so employed for a period of not less than 3 months in the payment period—
(Amended 74 of 1997 s. 8; 7 of 2001 s. 4)
the contract of employment is terminated—
at any time during the payment period; or
on the expiry of the payment period; or
(Replaced 7 of 2001 s. 4)
the employee continues to be employed by the employer after the expiry of the payment period,
the employee shall be paid a proportion, calculated in accordance with subsection (2), of the end of year payment that would have been payable under this Part if he had been employed by the same employer for the whole of the payment period.
If it is a term or condition of a contract of employment that the employee is on probation, the period of such probation or a period of 3 months, whichever is the shorter, shall be excluded from the calculation of the 3 months’ period under subsection (1).
(Added 74 of 1997 s. 8)
Subsection (1)(a) shall not apply where a contract of employment is terminated—
by the employee (except such a termination which is in accordance with section 10); or
in accordance with section 9.
(Added 7 of 2001 s. 4)
The proportion of the end of year payment payable under subsection (1) shall be—
the proportion specified in that behalf in the contract of employment; or
if a proportion is not so specified, the sum which bears the same proportion to a full month’s wages of the employee as his period of service under the contract of employment in the payment period bears to that payment period.
The proportion of the end of year payment payable under subsection (1) shall become due to the employee—
under paragraph (a) of that subsection—
on the day on which the contract of employment terminates; or
in the case of a proportion of an end of year payment that falls to be calculated by reference to any profits of the employer, on the day on which the profits of the employer are ascertained; or
under paragraph (b) of that subsection—
subject to subsection (4), on the day specified in the contract of employment as the day on which the end of year payment becomes due; or
if a day is not so specified, on the last day of the payment period,
and shall be paid as soon as is practicable but in any case not later than 7 days after that day but nothing in this subsection shall be construed as preventing the payment of the proportion of the end of year payment at any time before that day.
Where the contract of employment of an employee to whom subsection (1)(b) applies is terminated after the expiry of the payment period but before the end of year payment becomes due on the day specified in the contract, the proportion of the end of year payment payable under subsection (1) shall, notwithstanding that a day is so specified, become due to the employee—
on the day on which the contract of employment terminates; or
in the case of a proportion of an end of year payment that falls to be calculated by reference to any profits of the employer, on the day on which the profits of the employer are ascertained,
and shall be paid as soon as is practicable but in any case not later than 7 days after that day.
さらに、労働者はボーナス法制下では例え一年未満の勤務期間でも比率に基づいて年末報酬を得られる。では、その報酬期間の法的規定はどうか? 雇用条例第11C条によれば、まずは雇用契約で明記した報酬支払い計算の対象期間であり、それが明記されていなければ、一つの農暦の一年がこの報酬期の法的単位となる。
Payment period
The payment period in respect of which an end of year payment is payable under this Part shall be—
the payment period specified in that behalf in the contract of employment; or
if a payment period is not so specified, a lunar year.
Application of Part IIA
Subject to any agreement to the contrary and to subsection (2), this Part shall apply to an employee employed under a continuous contract if an end of year payment is payable by the employer to that employee by virtue of a term or condition (whether written or oral, express or implied) of the contract of employment.
In the case of an employee to whom this Part applies, any term or condition of the contract of employment which purports to prevent the payment under section 11F of a proportion of the end of year payment shall be void.
Amount of end of year payment
An end of year payment payable to an employee to whom this Part applies who has been employed by the same employer for the whole of a payment period shall be—
the end of year payment specified in that behalf in the contract of employment; or
if an end of year payment is not so specified, a sum equivalent to a full month’s wages of the employee.
2.香港法例第57章《僱傭條例》僱傭保障Q&A http://www.labour.gov.hk/tc/faq/cap57k_whole.htm
3.勞資審裁處表格 http://www.judiciary.hk/tc/crt_services/forms/labour.htm
4.勞資審裁處條例 https://www.elegislation.gov.hk/hk/cap25!en
5.第338章 《小額錢債審裁處條例》https://www.elegislation.gov.hk/hk/cap338
6.Cap. 347 LIMITATION ORDINANCE https://www.elegislation.gov.hk/hk/cap347!en?INDEX_CS=N
7.Cap. 149 General Holidays Ordinance https://www.elegislation.gov.hk/hk/cap149
8.判例集 https://www.elegislation.gov.hk
English: https://www.elegislation.gov.hk/hk/cap57
Chinese: https://www.labour.gov.hk/tc/public/ConciseGuide.htm
This series of articles about HK labor issues is written by Japanese due to supporting Japanese workers in Hong Kong where differs from Japanese working environment. Moreover, there is no labor consultant for Japanese workers in Hong Kong while facing blood sucking Japanese recruit agents and overseas Japanese 'Black Kigyo' (Evil Companies).
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