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Writer's pictureRyota Nakanishi

Hong Kong Intelligence Report #119 僅代表自己的超級炒家政客們:政治捐款來源透明化和嚴格利益申報制度的需要

Updated: Feb 19, 2024

Open-source intelligence (OSINT)

Hong Kong Intelligence Report #119  僅代表自己的超級炒家政客們:政治捐款來源透明化和嚴格利益申報制度的需要
FILE PHOTO: Diverse people crime shoot © Envato

🔻 IMPORTANT 【重要】 Hong Kong Glasnost 政治捐款來源透明化和嚴格利益申報制度可確保國家安全


▪️ 2024年2月11日,本身擁有物業/投資公司的,新界超級炒家之一,新界鄉議局主席劉業強(Lau, Kenneth Ip Keung)照樣未經市民授權而代表全民在車公廟抽籤,並勉強歪曲籤文「家宅平吉,占病作福,婚姻不合,自身平安,求財未遂。」為自身的利益主張,即所謂全面撤辣,進一步減除股票印花稅。甚至,把「斧斤持以入山林」曲解為政府(指中港政府)不要捨棄金融和房地產,而改採創科產業。換言之,地產霸權及其炒家階層都反對香港進行產業轉型,即香港從地產股市泡沫經濟模式轉為科技產業主導型經濟。這足以代表目前騎劫體制的本港統治階級中,炒家階層的政見,憂心和心聲,也就是反動勢力,既得利益集團的集中意志的體現。甚至,這個香港統治階級(資本)的主張指涉的正是它們在香港過去和將會發生的政治事件背後的動機和貪婪金主們的慾望。這點自從反修例風波以來一點都沒有減退,反而更囂張。簡言之,目前香港統治階級的政治立場是,死撐炒樓炒股的地產投機主導的泡沫經濟模式(境內外游資的投機猖獗損害實體經濟,是因為實際用以本地勞動生產/服務的固定/流動資本減少和最終打擊本地消費能力等,實體經濟的各環節為投機份子的私利而遭受剝削和壓縮,譬如,香港深層次矛盾,物非所值的四高為典型,即境內外游資大量流入和吸乾一般港人財富的超高地價,超高樓價,超高租金,超高物價),而堅決反對香港進行產業轉型。同時他們為保持其統治地位,而在表面上不惜做出所謂愛國者公關。但他們已經用盡了反對派的棋子,所以他們也不想親自直接明反和自己毀壞其愛國者的敘事。那麼,究竟誰是真正的,直接的破壞力量?那並不是美國,而是香港本身的炒家階層。


On February 11, 2024, Lau, Kenneth Ip Keung, Chairperson of Heung Yee Kuk, one of the super speculators in the New Territories who owns property/investment companies, drew lots on behalf of the whole community at the Che Kung Temple without authorization from the public. He also reluctantly distorted the label to read: "Good luck in the family, good luck in illness, bad luck in marriage, good luck in self-protection, and bad luck in seeking wealth". In order to further reduce the stamp duty on stocks, the super speculator has been advocating for its own interests, that is, the so-called total abolition of the anti-speculation tax and the reduction of the stamp duty on stocks. He even misinterpreted the phrase "to take the ax to the forest" to mean that the government (meaning the Chinese and Hong Kong governments) should not give up the financial and real estate sectors and should not adopt the innovation and technology sector instead. In other words, the real estate hegemony and its speculative class are against Hong Kong's industrial transformation, i.e., Hong Kong's shift from a real estate and stock market bubble economy to a technology-led economy. This is representative of the political views, concerns and voices of the speculator class in the ruling class of Hong Kong, which is currently riding on the hijacking system, which is the manifestation of the concentrated will of the reactionary forces and vested interest groups. Even the claims of this ruling class (capital) in Hong Kong refer to their motives and the desires of their greedy moneymakers behind the political events that have happened and will happen in Hong Kong. This has not abated at all since the anti-amendment storm, but has become even more arrogant. In short, the current political stance of the ruling class in Hong Kong is to support the real estate speculation-led bubble economy model of property and stock speculation (rampant speculation by domestic and foreign investors is damaging the real economy because of the reduction of fixed/liquid capital that is actually used for the production of local labor/services, and ultimately impacts on the purchasing power of the local consumer, etc.), and the various segments of the real economy are being exploited and suppressed for the private interests of the speculators, e.g. the deep-seated conflicts, the four major problems of the economy, and the lack of qualitative value for money in the economy. For example, Hong Kong's deep-rooted conflicts are typified by the four "highs" (i.e. the massive inflow of domestic and foreign capital into backing super-high land prices, super-high property prices, super-high rents and super-high commodity prices that have drained the wealth of Hong Kong people systematically), and they are adamantly opposed to Hong Kong's industrial restructuring. At the same time, in order to maintain their ruling position, they have gone out of their way to make the so-called patriots public relations. But they have already used up all the opposition's pawns, so they don't want to directly oppose and destroy the patriot narrative themselves. So who is the real, direct destructive force? It is not the US, but the speculators in Hong Kong itself.


▪️ 東方日報在2024年2月13日報導了令人震驚的事實(區議員利益申報:有區議員擁95間公司 逾450土地物業)。該報導的三料議員正是上述的新界鄉議局主席劉業強(Lau, Kenneth Ip Keung:政府公布179名委任區議員名單 劉業強將成唯一「三料議員」)。就整體而言,重點是,超乎尋常的超級炒家們大舉以多重兼職方式已進入區議會,立法會,行政會議,法定機構,所謂政黨等事實。極少數的朋黨成員同時兼職(騎劫,壟斷)多重公職,多重政治職位是香港極為誇張的生態。他們朋黨網絡(基本上是資本)透過其多重公職不但容易取得和分享政府內部消息和動向,其接受政治捐款,利益輸送的管道也是多層次的。區議員的多數也都是身兼立法會工作和其他多重公職的資本/超級炒家,因此,光是管制區議會議員的利益申報也根本無阻。這就是國安問題的來源,在港,政客們其利益衝突,利益輸送,知情交易,內部消息洩露,腐敗貪腐的管道是四通八達的。





Oriental Daily News on February 13, 2024, reported a shocking fact (Declaration of Interests of District Councilors: A District Councilor owns 95 companies and more than 450 landed properties). The three-member councilor in that report is none other than the above-mentioned Chairperson of the Heung Yee Kuk of the New Territories, Lau, Kenneth Ip Keung (The Government Announces the List of 179 Appointed District Councilors, Lau Yip Keung to be the Only "Three-Member Councilor"). On the whole, the key point is the fact that an extraordinary number of super-speculators have entered the District Councils, the Legislative Council, the Executive Council, the statutory bodies, the so-called political parties, etc. in a big way and in each person with overly multiple job titles. The fact that a very small number of cronies are holding (hijacking, monopolizing) multiple public offices and multiple political positions at the same time is an extremely exaggerated ecology in Hong Kong. Through their multiple public offices, their crony networks (basically capital) not only have easy access to the government's internal news and movements, but also have multi-level channels for receiving political donations and transferring benefits. The majority of DC members are capitalists/super speculators who hold multiple public offices and work in the Legislative Council. Therefore, there is no obstacle to manipulating the declaration of interests by DC members alone. This is the source of the national security problem. In Hong Kong, politicians are well-connected to the channels of conflict of interest, transfer of benefits, informed dealings, leakage of inside information and corruption.


The legislation of Article 23 should go beyond the guidelines of the system of monitoring the performance of District Council members (the guidelines are not a law/ordinance), and set up a mechanism for District Councils, Legislative Council, Executive Council, Statutory Bodies, the so-called political parties, etc., to make the sources of all political donations transparent (Glasnost). Transparency as to which legislators actually represent which forces/companies, both domestic and foreign, would facilitate public scrutiny by voters and the public, as well as help the national security apparatus to identify legislators and political parties that receive donations from hostile forces. However, the biggest impact of the Oriental Daily's report is that the politicians who have been calling for the total withdrawal of the anti-speculation tax are themselves the biggest beneficiaries, and the substitute legislators only represent their own interests. Those politicians who have hijacked multiple public offices and the so-called self-proclaimed elite cronies are just representing their own interests! This is the real national security problem in Hong Kong. Hong Kong's political and economic crisis lies in the misappropriation of public power by the capitalist cronies of the business community. In contrast, the US is no enemy at all.




In addition, many of the bureaucrats in the Hong Kong government are also speculators. Some of the bureaucrats themselves engage in real estate speculation, so it is no wonder that the anti-speculation tax is being gradually dismantled. Therefore, the declaration of interests by the bureaucrats in the Hong Kong Government has also disappointed the public. On the whole, politicians in Hong Kong should focus on a single public office, and each person occupying multiple public jobs should be banned. The monopolization and use of multiple public offices by a handful of crony capitalists is the main cause of the political and economic crisis in Hong Kong, and of the very low level of efficiency. The most outrageous thing is that, after the representative legislators and bureaucrats themselves have become super-speculators, our political and economic policies have been automated to serve their own interests. Inevitably, they degenerate into conflicts of interest and transfers of benefits. This has also become a transfer of benefits to the speculators as a whole, which is the culprit behind the serious tilt of Hong Kong's policies towards the real estate and financial sectors. The controversy over the anti-amendment legislation of 2019 has fully exposed that this is where the fundamental national security problem (internal cause) lies. The focus should not be easily shifted to forces outside Hong Kong.

▪️ 更新/Update:

據東方日報在2024年2月14日報導,連推動減辣的房屋局局長何永賢Winnie Ho Wing-yin)自己也是個持有中西區商用物業出租,並在中環和西區擁有出租(投機)用的住宅單位的炒家(投機份子)。換言之,何永賢自己政策代表的正是自己的利益。這就是香港政治的問題所在。當決策者們都淪為炒家之後,他們制定出來的政策都自動化地服務自己的利益而已。減辣,撤辣正是其最佳例子。

According to the Oriental Daily News on February 14, 2024, even the Secretary for Housing, Winnie Ho Wing-yin, who promoted the reduction of the anti-speculation tax, is herself a speculator who owns commercial and housing properties in the Central and Western District for rent. In other words, Winnie Ho Wing-yin's own policies represent her own interests. This is the core problem with Hong Kong politics. When policymakers become speculators, the policies they formulate automatically serve their own interests. The reduction and withdrawal of the anti-speculation tax is the best example of this. 


🔻 NEWS / FACTs 【事實關係】
















▪️ 政府更新行政長官、各政治委任官員及行政會議成員的個人利益申報資料。資料顯示,行政長官李家超及3名司長申報並無變化。多名局長則減持物業,其中保安局局長鄧炳強,不再以個人名義擁有南區一個住宅物業;而民政及青年事務局局長麥美娟,今年1月已申報不再擁有用作出租的九龍城住宅單位,連同文體旅局局長楊潤雄,今屆政府共有3名「無殼」局長。而醫務衞生局局長盧寵茂亦減持物業,他去年申報與妻子在英國擁有一個空置住宅,惟今年申報僅剩下油尖旺區及南區兩個單位,分別作出租和自用。






▪️ 實際上,有3名身兼官守成員的局長去年亦申報了減持香港物業,其中民政及青年事務局局長麥美娟沒申報擁有用作出租的九龍城住宅單位,而何永賢與丈夫共同持有的中西區商用物業,則由自用改為出租用途。



▪️ 議員梁美芬向來在買樓投資方面甚有研究,早在2021年新冠肺炎疫情爆發一年左右,梁在「疫」市下於大灣區買樓投資,其後在2023年的申報中,再在內地購買一個住宅物業,她透露物業在杭州。至最近的申報,即上月31日,發現她在新界西再多一個住宅物業,換言之,是在去年政府宣布樓市減辣措施後購入。對於樓價跌買樓,她卻表示樂觀,又指該物業好大可能是自住,而長遠來看,即5至10年,對樓市仍然保持樂觀,「已經跌咗咁多」,而無人有水晶球,不知將來樓市是升是跌,覺得啱心水便購入。根據個人利益登記冊,議員管浩鳴在去年8月申報在香港擁有物業,但他指該物業屬於承繼,是父親留給他的遺產,位於銅鑼灣區。被問到是否擔心樓價跌勢不止,他表示不太擔心,建議市民買樓前多考慮地段等其他因素,又稱不少旺區的舊樓都已跌至低位,重建價值高,呎數不錯,都是可以考慮的。

東方日報:2年間物業變動 近10議員「疫」市買樓


🔻 COMMENT 【評語】





In a nutshell, in Hong Kong, capitalists who hold multiple public offices (District Councils, Legislative Council, Executive Council, statutory bodies, etc.) are themselves extraordinary super-speculators. That is to say, they represent their own interests on behalf of the people. They have been advocating for days that the total withdrawal of the anti-speculation tax and the further reduction of the stamp duty on stocks is to serve their direct self-interests. Here, democracy and people's livelihoods have been abandoned. In addition to a more stringent system of declaration of interests, I suggest that the legislation on Article 23 should at least establish a mechanism for thorough public transparency of the sources of political donations of public officials / politicians (Glasnost), otherwise effective monitoring and enforcement will not be possible.



Hong Kong Intelligence Report #119  僅代表自己的超級炒家政客們:政治捐款來源透明化和嚴格利益申報制度的需要

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