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Hong Kong Intelligence Report #8 香港政治分析報告:Robbery of Legislative Counsel Hong Kong on 1 July Riot

Updated: Nov 27, 2023

Open-source intelligence (OSINT)

Robbery of Legislative Counsel Hong Kong on 1 July Riot
Robbery of Legislative Counsel Hong Kong on 1 July Riot


There is no English media actually reported any key facts that indicate nature of the 1 July Riot of 2019 in Hong Kong was ''robbery'' rather than ''brave and peaceful grass roots protest.'' The official narrative of ''polite protesters'' inside of the illegally occupied Legislative Counsel complex was turned out to be Western mainstream media's fake narrative as usual. It was a locally sized colour revolution attempt which officially targeted the 4th. chief executive of Hong Kong Carrie Lam however this destabilising operation was more similar with the CIA financed robbery of North Korea Embassy in Madrid, Spain on February 22, 2019. The main aim of the ''robbery'' in the name of ''brave and peaceful grass roots protest'' was to steal classified governmental documents, electric devices such as CPU hard disks. Amendment of Hong Kong Extradition Bill was already failed at the time of the robbery started however they used its last ''momentum'' to conduct the operation. It critically differs from the NED backed Sunflower Movement in Taiwan. Moreover, the organising role ''Civil Human Rights Front'' is just a cover for 48 member parties and organisations of the opposition including NED financed parties such as Hong Kong Human Rights Monitor, Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China, Hong Kong Journalists Association, Democratic Party, Civic Party, Labour Party, Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions and others. Actions of six major figures of the opposition during the riot proved true narrative of the entire provocation. One is activist of Occupy Central (2014), Pan Haochao (潘浩超), the second is presenter of Declaration of Hong Kong Protesters (2019), Brian Leung (梁繼平), the third one is opposition member of legislative counsel Claudia Mo Man-ching (毛孟靜) and the other one is a leading robbery member, Cheng Chung-tai(鄭松泰), separatist agitator Joe Yeung (楊逸朗) and the leader of the separatist student organisation Students Independence Union, Chan Ka-kui Wayne (陳家駒).


1. On July 1, 2019, opposition led ''Civil Human Rights Front'' student protestors who wearing yellow helmets , black masks and black T shirts violently stormed into Legislative Counsel building during Police approved ''Peaceful Protest.'' On the contrary to the official narrative of ''Polite Protesters,'' they intruded violently Secretary room of Legislate of Counsel and ''Pro-Beijing'' party offices to steal classified documents and hard disks of their computers. One of them required other ''Polite Protesters'' to not touch anything without gloves when they stole documents and hard disks. TVB video reporter shows legislative counsel member Cheng Chung-tai(鄭松泰) instructed these ''Polite Protesters'' at the sight of intrusion. He called both police and journalist ''a dog,'' and warned the ''Polite Protesters'' to avoid them. Cheng Chung-tai(鄭松泰) used a smartphone to get location of so called ''a dog'' in the building during the 3 hour robbery.


大批示威者晚上闖入立法會大樓到處搗亂,毀壞會議廳及大批電腦及文件。今次是大樓啟用近八年來,遭受最嚴重的破壞。不過亦有立法會議員不滿,認為是警察,在立法會「擺空城計」撤退造成。 傍晚八時許,有人放懷疑白煙,將雙方入夜後對峙的局面打破。不出數分鐘,有示威者持鐵通等雜物,衝破立法會其中一個出入口鐵閘。同一時間,大批示威者從其他出入口一同衝入,全面攻佔大樓。 部分人大肆破壞,擊毀電子顯示屏、立法會標誌,弄爛閉路電視。原先在大堂駐守警員不見蹤影。 示威者用鐵籠車撞爛電子出入閘門,入圖書館,以及經常有學校帶團來參觀的兒童溫習室。部分人又攻入辦公室,文件、電腦及滅火筒都是他們的目標。 有示威者轉上一樓進入立法會會議廳,其中一個目標是主席位置及特區區徽,在區徽上「中華人民共和國」的字上被噴漆,撕毀多本《基本法》,示威者一度開傘遮蓋自己容貌。 示威者又在會議廳掛上多條橫額,有在現場的立法會議員,不滿整個過程不見有警察在場。 工黨新界東議員張超雄表示:「要清場的話,(警方)多大場面都清到,今日竟然不斷退縮,最後在立法會擺『空城計』,引大家入來,撞甚麼都不理你,任你喜歡怎樣就怎樣,這個景象是警方特地『放水』造成。」 立法會會議廳外,回歸後三位立法會主席,包括范徐麗泰、曾鈺成和梁君彥的相,被示威者破壞,只剩下相框留在地上。 今次是立法會大樓啟用近八年來,第一次被示威者佔據,歷時約三個多小時。(1)


2. On July 1, 2019, Brian Leung (梁繼平) a student who used to be part of Taiwan Sunflower Movement announced the Declaration of Hong Kong Protesters at the occupied Legislate Counsel. He was only one unmasked protester during the robbery of the building. And he is majoring in political science at Washington University. Although Brian Leung (梁繼平) agitated rioters for storming over the legislate counsel building, he already booked an airline ticket to fly back to Washington via Taiwan before the riot taking place. Then he flied away immediately after the police retrieved the building from the occupation. On July 2 early morning, as planned before the riot, Brian Leung (梁繼平) successfully escaped from Hong Kong before police capture him. (2)


逃犯條例:七一衝立會站台發言 傳梁繼平已離港







3. Before broke into the legislate counsel complex, some opposition party members ''tried to prevent'' the table trolley attack and the intrusion of the building from their own masked comrades. opposition member of legislative counsel Claudia Mo Man-ching (毛孟靜) was one of them. She cried at the rioters: ''think about your mama!''; ''Riot is a crime for 10 year sentence!'' (3)


【引渡惡法】強攻90分鐘鐵籠車衝擊立法會 示威人士:我哋預咗俾人拉



However, some unconfirmed source said that Claudia Mo Man-ching (毛孟靜) just tried to stop her own son from breaking into the building no other rioters. Later Claudia Mo Man-ching (毛孟靜) herself denied that claim because her own sons are in a foreign country for studying abroad. She encouraged opposition student protesters passionately however she never encouraged her own sons to attend opposition protests. All attendees were other people's sons and daughters. (4)


煽動衝擊 引火自焚







4. Telegram is used for planning riots in Hong Kong by separatist ''student'' groups since 2018. Moreover, Students Independence Union who claimed to be responsible for the stolen hard disks and classified documents is not an official member of ''Civil Human Rights Front,'' and they are not any registered political party. DotDotNews reporter got a sound recording file in which some plotter who supposed to be separatist agitator Joe Yeung (楊逸朗) claimed that their main goal is to grab seats of ''Pro-Beijing'' members at the legislative counsel by stealing computer hard disks of ''Pro-Beijing'' and getting their registered voters' privacies. Beside this, the leader of the separatist student organisation Students Independence Union, Chan Ka-kui Wayne (陳家駒) instructed riots to break into ''Pro-Beijing'' members' offices, secretary office and staff offices to steal classified documents. (5)


揭「獨人」籲偷建制機密 圖操縱選舉





1. There are 30 countries have extradition treaties with Hong Kong. All of them have been gradually materialised since 1999. Such as Australia; Belgium; Canada; Czech Republic; Denmark; Finland; France; Germany; India; Indonesia; Ireland; Israel; Italy; Japan; Korea, R.O.; Malaysia; Netherlands; New Zealand; Philippines; Poland; Portugal; Singapore; South Africa; Spain; Sri Lanka; Sweden; Switzerland; Ukraine; United Kingdom and United States of America. List of Mutual Legal Assistance Agreements (Legislative References) (As at 21.11.2018)

The opposition rioters completely self-contradicted by opposing the dead extradition bill. Hong Kong is just one of local cities of China, and it is not a country at all. Extradition of fugitives from Hong Kong to mainland is equal with extradition of fugitives from Okinawa to Tokyo. It makes the US backed ''protests'' separatist moves. There is no doubt that the opposition is separatists. Extradition to these listed countries is ridiculous that these listed countries are human rights abusers and sponsors of destabilisation of China. This kind of self-contradiction proves that their statements are highly biased and driven by foreign interests. (6)


2. Use of Telegram: Hong Kong separatists frequently use Telegram to plot and communicate with its members during riots. One of opposition media HK01 (香港 01) got inner circle information shared in the Telegram. They call ''protest'' with the cryptic line ''Go to picnic.'' Telegram is seemed as secure SNS than Facebook and any other SNSs because of its encrypting function, after-read deletion, time limited reading function etc. fit their secret and unspeakable plotting against China. It is quite surprising that the opposition media use telegram to communicate with the riots and provide legal support to them, moreover, HK01 released not publicly available news on the occupation of legislate counsel. It exceeds media function, it's actually part of the riots, assisting them by using the same secret channel. Thus, Mainland China blocked Telegram in 2015 due to the weaponisation of its use by US backed anti-China organisations. (7)


如何在《香港反送中》遊行即時且安全的通訊?Telegram 高隱私特性成現場最佳利器

香港逃犯條例二讀引發兩岸熱議,被《BBC》稱:是香港 1997 年政權移交中國後最大規模示威。然據新頭殼 報導 ,BBC 記者麥笛文說明,中國「審查員會自動將香港反對引渡逃犯條例的報導過濾」。且香港當地抗爭人士與媒體也以「去野餐」代稱參加遊行。面對未來可能發文下架的狀況,香港媒體《香港 01》採用高隱私通訊軟體 Telegram 進行現場實況、逃犯條例的最新資訊發送,避開政府可能的資訊阻擋。

Telegram 因其訊息加密、高度隱私的特性大受使用者歡迎。其設計不僅支援雙重認證(two-step verification)、點對點加密傳訊,還可以設定訊息「閱後刪除」或「定時刪除」,確保資訊不會留下任何痕跡。

報導 ,2015 年中國以「反政府工具」為由封鎖 Telegram 於中國境內使用。報導也指出 Telegram 常獲多項人權組織作為私密通訊使用,以防該國政府走後門竊取機密資訊。可見 Telegram 訊息加密技術嚴密,政府機關皆難以入侵。

在實際加入《香港 01》Telegram 群組後可以發現,原本受政府控制無法在網路發布的文章與現場照片,皆在 Telegram 上曝光。

《香港 01》除了報導使用外,也另開一群組開放民眾發聲,以短文和現場隨拍揭露抗爭最新情形,以及港警、路況檢查等相關情形;另外,《香港 01》也提供律師資料支援與爆料管道。

以下為香港 01 的 Telegram 群組傳送門:

另外,更有工程師在 GitHub 上傳香港警員資料查詢系統,編號、姓名、職位等資訊都可獲得。(傳送門


3. Cheng Chung-tai(鄭松泰), Pan Haochao (潘浩超), Brian Leung (梁繼平), Joe Yeung (楊逸朗) and Chan Ka-kui Wayne (陳家駒)'s involvements proved that this riot was not really decentralised operation as their rioters self-proclaimed during the ''polite protests.'' It's an ensemble show rather than really decentralised random grass roots movement. All opposition stars shared their operations during the riot. Cheng Chung-tai(鄭松泰) instructed rioters in the legislate counsel; Pan Haochao (潘浩超) assaulted police on the street; Brian Leung (梁繼平) brought and announced the Declaration of Hong Kong Protesters which is the same with other following riots (West Kowloon, Tsim Sha Tsui, Mong Kok, Tuen Mun, Sheung Shui, Sha Tin) since then, Joe Yeung (楊逸朗) and Chan Ka-kui Wayne (陳家駒) planned and conducted the robbery during the occupation.

This is an ensemble operation not decentralised random mass ''protests'' of any kinds.

4. Mass disappointment is that there was no ''pro-Beijing'' mass demonstrations against the opposition riots due to the ruling class' unwillingness to weaken its funded anti-China uprisings. ''Pro-Beijing'' parties are just another representatives of Chambers of Commerce. Furthermore, some interesting phenomenon is an inner split between Tien brothers and other ''pro-Beijing'' members in Legislate counsel's Executive Council. On July 8, 2019, both James Tien Pei-chun (田北俊) and Michael Tien (田北辰) required the ''pro-Beijing'' Liberal Party Chairman Tommy Cheung Yu-yan (張宇人), Regina Ip Lau Suk-yee (葉劉淑儀) and a lawyer Ronny Tong Ka-wah(湯家驊) to quit the memberships.

Tien brothers stand with the opposition. For example, James Tien Pei-chun (田北俊) buried implement Article 23 of the BASIC LAW and both brothers now require the government to accept reform of the political establishment to conduct the Western way of Universal suffrage that would allow Western agents to be elected as governmental officials including the chief executive of Hong Kong. Under the political difficulties, Chinese government should solve the problematic opposition agnates Tien brothers who only benefit the western interests in Hong Kong politics in the cover of ''pro-Beijing'' uniform. (8) (9)


【逃犯條例】葉劉四時見記者 田少再抽水:留名等睇葉劉賴死





【逃犯條例】葉劉:不支持政府大可脫離建制 田北辰:不知所謂





In sum, the fate of ''Pro-Beijing'' side is doomed by the series of political defeats and inability to counter attack the oppositions during the US-led riots of June and July. The next year's legislative election will be a disaster for the ''Pro-Beijing'' side however it won't be any damage to the entire ruling class because its support on anti-China oppositions. Hong Kong ruling class is similar to Venezuelan opposition who request and welcome US sanctions and interferences against its own people. Their short term economic loss by the supported opposition provocations is limited and it will bring more political independence of the ruling class of Hong Kong from the influence of China.

Who will pay for the aftermaths of their political plots of the ruling class of Hong Kong against China? it will only be its ordinary working class citizens of Hong Kong. Their real social life difficulties, such as real estate price manipulation and resulted huge inequality among its people are unchanged or excavated. The occupation of legislate counsel costed citizens for at least ten million dollars. It will affect their originally limited governmental funding for social welfare.


(1)立會大樓遭受啟用後最嚴重破壞-有議員不滿警方退守 accessed on July 9. 2019

(2) accessed on July 9. 2019

(3) accessed on July 9. 2019

(4) accessed on July 9. 2019

(5)揭「獨人」籲偷建制機密-圖操縱選舉 accessed on July 9. 2019

(6) accessed on July 9. 2019

(7) accessed on July 9. 2019

(8)政情/349407/逃犯條例-葉劉四時見記者-田少再抽水-留名等睇葉劉賴死 accessed on July 9. 2019

(9)港聞/article/20190709/s00001/1562637435960/【逃犯條例】葉劉-不支持政府大可脫離建制-田北辰-不知所謂 accessed on July 9. 2019


This series of intelligence reports of Hong Kong is written by Chinese due to main readers' convenience. And we apply intelligence report format of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan which is quite familiar for the writer. Reference includes full texts from original source.

Any part of this report may be disseminated without permission, provided attribution to Ryota Nakanishi as author and a link to is provided.


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