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Writer's pictureRyota Nakanishi

Hong Kong Intelligence Report #81 俄烏戰事在中國香港的情形綜合報告

Updated: Nov 21, 2023

Open-source intelligence (OSINT)

FILE PHOTO: War on Fakes © Envato


俄烏戰事在香港,進入2022年7月以後香港媒體發布俄烏衝突消息方面有所顯著改善。就國際上,這標誌是7月3日盧甘斯克人民共和國的完全解放。就國內及境內而言,是7月6日俄國駐華大使傑尼索夫代表俄羅斯總統普京向中國全國政協副主席、中國國務院港澳事務辦公室主任夏寶龍頒發了「友誼勳章」一事。之後一直到8月26日,由中國中央廣播電視總台和俄羅斯駐華使館聯合主辦的「中俄影像交流展播活動」啟動儀式在京舉行,並於俄羅斯駐華使館舉行授勛儀式,中共中央宣傳部副部長、中央廣播電視總台台長兼總編輯慎海雄接受俄方授予的俄羅斯「友誼勳章」為止。就是尤其在此期間,本港地產黨兩大‘有限公司’派別(他們的經濟基礎乃本港地產霸權,炒樓投機份子群體及金融寡頭,而不是中共國企。他們都是政治獨立於中共的特定利益集團。本港無正式的政黨政治,由港府官僚組成政府,故此無執政黨和在野黨之別,所謂立法會議員的目的是自身加入政府以及同時霸佔最多的法定機構頭銜),即所謂建制派(兩面人)及反對派(含所謂「中間派」,自稱「溫和建制派」和在維基百科上隱藏著以往反對派身分的地產商媒體NOWTV等)的香港媒體均有了一定程度的自我抑制(當然,離理想深遠,但這明顯只是某種程度外力和考量保身的結果,如台灣TVBS - 龍頭TVB的子公司 - 或日本TBS般的誇張的積極反俄報導最終會自動導致頻果日報和立場新聞的命運,自掘墳墓)。

The Russian-Ukrainian war in Hong Kong has seen a significant improvement in the dissemination of news about the Russian-Ukrainian conflict in the Hong Kong media since July 2022. Internationally, this was marked by the complete liberation of the Lugansk People's Republic on July 3. Domestically, it was the awarding of the Medal of Friendship by Russian Ambassador Denisov on behalf of Russian President Vladimir Putin to Xia Baolong, Vice Chairman of the Chinese National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and Director of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the Chinese State Council, on July 6. The ceremony was held at the Russian Embassy in China, where Vice Minister of the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Director General and Editor-in-Chief of the Central Broadcasting Station, Mr. Shen Haixiong, received the Russian "Medal of Friendship" from the Russian side. It is especially during this period that the two 'Limited companies' factions of the local real estate party (whose economic base is the local real estate hegemony, speculators and financial oligarchs, rather than the Chinese Communist Party's state-owned enterprises. They are specific interest groups that are politically independent from the Chinese Communist Party. There is no formal party politics in Hong Kong, the government is formed by Hong Kong government bureaucrats, so there is no difference between the ruling party and the opposition party, the purpose of the so-called Legislative Council members is to join the government themselves and to occupy the most statutory titles at the same time), that is, the so-called pro-establishment (two-faced people) and opposition (including the so-called "centrists", the self-proclaimed "moderate pro-establishment" and the real estate media NOWTV, which hides its previous opposition status on Wikipedia) Of course, it's far from the ideal, but this is obviously only the result of some degree of external pressures and business considerations, such as the exaggeratedly aggressive anti-Russian reporting style of Taiwan's TVBS - a subsidiary of the leading TVB - or Japan's TBS, which will eventually and automatically lead to the fate of the Apple Daily and Stand News, digging their own graves).

雖然反俄社運無路,但是信息戰在國安法的外力之下,仍然進行的。 這蜜月期間還不能忘記,7月11日在港無法剝削俄烏戰事而未成功分裂中港輿論的美國駐港總領事史默客(Michael Hanscom Smith)的離任,8月2日美國國會眾議院議長佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi)的訪台極大幫助了在中國的俄羅斯外交部。從此之後,中俄關係更加緊密結合,此形勢已達不可逆轉的程度了。反正,香港毫無搞外交政治的權利,本港媒體一昧轉載和轉播西方主流媒體和台灣媒體報導的假新聞,未經證實的傳聞等,這些信息戰的二手貨都與中國中央的國家政策的決策過程徹底隔離,也不可能有所影響。這些騙己騙人的劣質香港假新聞的主要洗腦/心理衝擊目標其實是掌控社會權力的立法/執法/司法/執政單位及其周邊人物關係,以影響局勢。其實,消息和情報是需要選對人的,傳達給有象無象的任何人也沒用的,不起作用的。該傳達的情報是要精確地傳達給相關負責單位的,與眾不同,這跟商業化的價值觀正相反的。本港媒體乃隨時都可收買的廣告公司。媒體和廣告公司的差別在於如何處理傳聞,未經證實的東西。即真媒體的工作是對傳聞進行核實。只有經過核實,傳聞才能變成新聞。然而,廣告公司對製作廣告上的核實不算核實,僅多都是電話問廣告主(Advertiser),反正廣告主自己說了算而已。它主要對行銷負責,而不是對所推銷品的品質和內涵負責的。這就是本質差異。因此在本港最代表媒體工作的單位是消委會,即消費者委員會做的品質報告是真媒體該做的工作典範。

Although the anti-Russian social movement has no way out, the information war is still going on under the external pressure of the National Security Law. During this honeymoon period, we should not forget the departure of Michael Hanscom Smith, the U.S. Consul General in Hong Kong, who failed to divide public opinion in China and Hong Kong by failing to exploit the Russian-Ukrainian war in Hong Kong on July 11, and the visit of Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House of Representatives of the U.S. Congress, to Taiwan on August 2, which greatly helped the Russian Foreign Ministry in China. Since then, Russian-Chinese relations have become more closely integrated and the situation has reached an irreversible level. In any case, Hong Kong has no right to engage in foreign politics, and the local media is the only one that reproduces and rebroadcasts fake news and unsubstantiated rumors reported by the mainstream Western and Taiwanese media. The main brainwashing/psychological impact of these deceitful Hong Kong fake news is in fact on the legislative/law enforcement/judicial/ruling class and their surrounding social relationships that control social power in order to influence the entire situation. In fact, the information and intelligence need to be chosen by the right person, it is useless to convey to anyone who is part of a rabble, it does not work. The intelligence that should be conveyed to the relevant responsible units precisely, unlike others, which is the opposite of commercial values. The local media is an advertising agency that can be bought and sold at any time. The difference between the media and advertising agencies is how they deal with hearsay, the unconfirmed stuff. That is, the job of the real media is to verify the rumors. Only after verification can a rumor become news. However, an advertising agency does not verify the product quality for advertisements, it just calls the advertiser and asks him or her to do so formalistically. It is mainly responsible for the marketing, not for the quality and content of the product being marketed. This is the essence of the difference. Therefore, the most preferable representative of the media in Hong Kong is the Consumer Council, that is, the Consumer Council's quality report is a model of what the real media should do.

從本港首次反俄示威集會發生在2月25日中環的烏克蘭和部分俄國人社區參與的示威,一直到最後可確認的4月11日尖沙咀天星碼頭美國之音全力配合的社民連反俄示威為止,即使香港媒體及外媒連日進行的反俄報導,也無法繼續發動社運了。2月到4月正好是國內外反俄信息戰的高峰期。從「發動社運成功與否」的角度來看,它們都是徹底失敗的,是因為在本港爆發之前已遭到控制了,這不像黑暴前戲的2018年後半的情形。每一則假新聞是政治病毒,社會總體上累積到一定程度時就會轉化為社運,種族仇恨/歧視或喪屍化的暴動或恐怖主義行為。這也就是說,俄烏衝突仍然是反動勢力繼續在本港地下招募未來示威者及建立其組織網絡上的助燃劑,推動力。換言之,據香港民意研究所原定於3月11日舉行而取消的有關「俄烏戰爭」的調查發布會草稿內容,在3月初已有2千到5千的未來隨時都可動員的潛在示威者群體。在社交媒體群組,這些炮灰人數藉由俄烏戰事繼續會增加,然後必定會被集中動員在未來台灣問題的政治騷動上面,而直接針對俄烏戰事的動員機率越來越變低了。9月16日抵港的新任美國總領事梅儒瑞(Gregory May)虎視眈眈,還看不出挑起新一輪分裂圖謀的態勢。在本港社會整體仍然不夠資格和能力擔當防衛中國大陸的第一外牆的積極角色之下,依然處於全中國國安最脆弱的外部勢力對華前進基地。這只要看香港媒體和駐港外媒的反俄/反華/擾華報導傾向就夠理解了。從外部勢力滲透內地的前進基地轉化為防衛中國內地的第一道外牆是香港國安應有的積極目標。9月2日大陸國務委員兼外長王毅會見即將9月底離任的優秀俄羅斯駐華大使傑尼索夫(Andrey Denisov)一事體現了俄中關係在俄烏衝突中已取得勝利,意味著中俄牢牢穩住了此兩大國面對和克服分化中俄圖謀的局面。內地官僚的言辭和儀式整體都是象徵,它的官腔是為了防止文本分析(它一律不透露以通常語言講話的密室討論內容),但其整體作為一種事件過程中的象徵,從此可以解讀。

From the first anti-Russian demonstration in Hong Kong, which took place on February 25 in Central with the participation of the Ukrainian and some Russian communities, until the last identifiable anti-Russian demonstration by the League of Social Democrats at Tsim Sha Tsui Star Ferry Pier on April 11 with the full support of the Voice of America, it was impossible to continue the social movement even with days of anti-Russian coverage by the Hong Kong media and foreign media, which coincided with the peak of the anti-Russian information war at home and abroad from February to April. In terms of the "success or failure of the social movement", they were a complete failure because they were contained before they broke out in Hong Kong, unlike the second half of 2018 in the pre-riot drama theatre. Every piece of fake news is a political virus that accumulates in society at large and transforms into a social movement, racial hatred/discrimination or mourning riots or acts of terrorism. That is to say, the Russia-Ukraine conflict is still the fuel, the driving force for reactionary forces to continue to recruit future protesters and build their organizational network underground in Hong Kong. In other words, according to the draft of the "Russia-Ukraine War" survey released by the Hong Kong Institute of Public Opinion Research, which was scheduled to be yet cancelled on March 11, there were already 2,000 to 5,000 potential groups of future protesters ready to mobilize in early March. The new U.S. Consul General Gregory May, who arrived in Hong Kong on September 16, is not yet in a position to provoke a new round of secessionist attempts. With the Hong Kong community as a whole still not qualified and capable of playing an active role as the first outer wall of defense for mainland China, it remains the most useful base for external forces to advance against China in all of China's national security. This can be understood by looking at the tendency of the Hong Kong media and the foreign media in Hong Kong to report anti-Russian/anti-Chinese news. The meeting on September 2 with the outstanding Russian Ambassador to China, Andrey Denisov, who will be leaving at the end of September, is an example of the victory of Russian-Chinese relations in the Russia-Ukraine conflict, which means that China and Russia are firmly anchored in this area. The two powers are facing and overcoming attempts to divide Russia and China. The rhetoric and rituals of the mainland bureaucrats as a whole are symbolic, its bureaucratic tone is designed to prevent textual analysis (it does not reveal the contents of the backroom discussions, which are spoken in ordinary language), but as a whole it can be interpreted as a symbol of the course of events.

最重要的是,8月14日優秀的保安局長鄧炳強在電台上明確指摘:經過2019年「黑暴事件」,知道「顏色革命」有機會在港發生,故政府會作好準備,以防有人趁國際事件在港製造混亂,並預防「本土恐怖主義」和「反政府小組」。這表明了本港國安系統已自覺到了內外部反動勢力利用俄烏戰事企圖分裂中港的圖謀。這令筆者十分滿意和放心了。只要國安單位真正自覺到了問題的存在,就會動員起來控制局面的。在此順便一提,本港所謂「分裂」的內涵和外延是比其他國家地區廣泛的。所謂「分裂」首先是指在輿論上分裂中港及本港內部。這又不是不同意見的意思。所謂「分裂」是指內外部勢力有意圖製造政治騷亂的意思。這個常用形式就是「新聞」和「不同見解」。 國安單位是分辨此兩者的。而不幸的是,本港市民多數派仍是反對派支持者難以理解這點。此外,本港國安系統給人的印象依然是普通警察事務的延伸而已。這就是其缺點,不像情報單位。這為什麼是個缺點?是因為敵人清楚和利用這點的。

Most importantly, on August 14, the excellent Secretary for Security, Mr. Tang Ping-keung, made a clear accusation on the television that after the "black violence incident"(colour riot) in 2019, it is known that a "color revolution" may happen in Hong Kong, so the government will be prepared to prevent people from taking advantage of international events to create chaos in Hong Kong, and to prevent "homegrown terrorism" and "anti-government groups". This shows that Hong Kong's national security system is already aware of the attempts of internal and external reactionary forces to divide Hong Kong and China through the war between Russia and Ukraine. This makes the author very satisfied and relieved. As long as the national security units really realize the existence of the problem, they will mobilize to control the situation. Incidentally, the connotation and extension of the so-called "secession" in Hong Kong are broader than those in other countries and regions. The so-called "division"(separatism) refers first of all to the division of public opinion between Hong Kong and China and within Hong Kong itself. This differs from the meaning of the so called different opinion. The word "division" means that internal and external forces intend to create political disturbances. The common forms of this are "news" and "dissent"(different opinions). The Security Bureau distinguishes between these. Unfortunately, the majority of our citizens are still opposition supporters who find this difficult to understand. Moreover, the impression of our national security system is that it is still an extension of ordinary police affairs. That is its shortcoming, unlike the intelligence unit. Why is this a shortcoming? Because the enemy knows it and uses it.

最後,香港和俄國關係的發展階段是以香港與俄羅斯簽署刑事事宜相互法律協助協定和移交被判刑人協定劃定的。其實,俄烏衝突前已經開始有本港反俄政治活動的。瞄準的是這個協定,但它並沒有變成與逃犯條例一樣的政治催化劑(最強烈反對2019年逃犯條例修訂案的是暗助黑暴的本港商界,因他們最害怕商業犯罪範疇而閹割了該條例修訂案,甚至,即使2019年版順利成立,台灣也不會接受的。重點是,只要台灣一方拒絕,就不會成事的)。在2021年9月21日保安局局長鄧炳強與俄羅斯聯邦(俄羅斯)司法部長Konstantin Chuychenko分別代表香港特別行政區(香港特區)政府及俄羅斯政府,透過視像會議簽署刑事事宜相互法律協助和移交被判刑人的雙邊協定。 目前本港反俄社運(2021年1月7日黑暴熄滅後死灰復燃的地下運動,並與六四結合,社民連擔任公關角色)的活躍期間是從2021年9月21日到2022年4月11日,2021年12月27日的俄國駐港領事館炸彈恐嚇‘恐俄症’事件(上午10時52分,警方接獲一名男子報案,指灣仔港灣道30號新鴻基中心21樓俄羅斯駐香港總領事館被人放置炸彈)是其判斷的根據。不過,在各方壓力和限制之下反俄信息戰依然繼續。本港需要居安思危,不宜解除各種武裝。最遺憾的是自稱愛國愛港的建制派(兩面派)明星們都共謀一律避開俄烏戰事議題,並且對目前本港進展的反俄/反華分裂運動視而不見。這選擇性盲目也表明了所謂建制派是根本不可靠的,真是忠誠廢物。

Finally, the stage of development of relations between Hong Kong and Russia is defined by the signing of the agreement on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters and the agreement on transfer of sentenced persons between Hong Kong and Russia. In fact, anti-Russian political activities in Hong Kong had already started before the Russia-Ukraine conflict. The agreement was aimed at, but it did not become the same political catalyst as the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance (the strongest opposition to the 2019 Fugitive Offenders Ordinance amendment was from the business community in Hong Kong, which was implicitly aiding the mob violence and castrating the Ordinance amendment by lobbying because they were most afraid of the commercial crime aspect, and even if the 2019 version was successfully established, Taiwan would have not accepted it. (The point is, as long as the Taiwanese side rejects it, it won't happen). On September 21, 2021, Secretary for Security Chris Tang Ping-keung and the Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation (Russia) Konstantin Chuychenko, representing the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) and the Russian Government respectively, signed a bilateral agreement on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters and transfer of sentenced persons via video conference. The current anti-Russian social movement in Hong Kong (an underground movement resurrected after the end of the color riot on January 7, 2021 and combined with June 4 protestors, with the League of Social Democrats playing a public relations role) is overtly active from September 21, 2021 to April 11, 2022, and the 'Russophobia' bomb threat at the Russian Consulate in Hong Kong on December 27, 2021 (at 10:52 a.m., the police received a report from a man that a bomb had been placed at the Russian Consulate General in Hong Kong on the 21st floor of Sun Hung Kai Centre, 30 Harbour Road, Wan Chai) was the basis for this judgment. However, the anti-Russian information war continues under pressure and restrictions from all sides. Hong Kong needs to be prepared for possible danger and it is not advisable to disarm all kinds of weapons. It is most unfortunate that the so called 'pro-establishment' (two-faced) stars who claim to be 'patriotic and love Hong Kong' have conspired to avoid the issue of the war between Russia and Ukraine and have turned a blind eye to the anti-Russian/anti-Chinese separatist movement that is currently developing in Hong Kong. This selective blindness also shows that the so-called pro-establishment camp is fundamentally unreliable and really 'loyal waste'.


In general, from July to September, the anti-Russian campaign on the war between Russia and Ukraine gradually declined and became even less popular in Hong Kong. Even though there was a lot of provocative Russia-Ukraine conflict news during this period, it still did not change the situation of unity between China and Russia. For the sake of Hong Kong, the following are some of the incidents/fake news from the Russian-Ukrainian conflict that are worthy of our reference during this period.


7月1日 烏克蘭指責,俄軍導彈清晨擊中敖德薩(Odessa)地區一幢樓房,部分完全被摧毀,至少21人死亡。俄國及其國防部當時並沒有回應這個烏方消息。結局是市民只能接收烏方消息。只要官方做出回應,就會有新聞的。本港媒體刻意不報導關鍵的細節內容以安全地誤導民眾,也根本沒有做過獨立核實的工作。聯合國OHCHR(LINK)的烏克蘭傷亡報告是個典型(雖涵蓋兩個頓巴斯共和國的傷亡,但港媒TVB每次在每個月24日刻意不報導其細節)。

基本上,本港媒體散播的俄烏衝突新聞是 1)翻譯,轉載和轉播西方主流媒體報導(所謂「據報」);2)稍微進行本地化翻譯後,轉載和轉播台灣媒體報導(台灣媒體的報導本身也是西方媒體報導內容的抄襲);3)透過1和2的途徑間接地走私反華反俄智庫/非政府組織/英國國防部/其他外國情報機構發佈的消息。就整體而言,是種反俄反華假新聞的洗錢行為。本港媒體更像洗淨反俄反華外部勢力發放消息的轉播台。最惡劣的是如星島日報般利用「愛國愛港」牌照散播西方敵對勢力散播的假新聞。是否愛國是只透過行為判定的,而不是依照表面的愛國「政委」頭銜,愛國俱樂部「朋黨」會員身分及愛國口號來辨別的。

On July 1, Ukraine accused Russian missiles of hitting a building in Odessa early in the morning, partially destroying it and killing at least 21 people. Russia and its Defense Ministry did not respond to this Ukrainian message at the time. The result is that the public can only receive news from the Ukrainian side. If there is an official response, there will be news. The local media deliberately left out key details to safely mislead the public and did not do any independent verification at all. The United Nations OHCHR report on Ukraine casualties is a typical example (although it covers both Donbass Republics, the Hong Kong media, TVB, deliberately does not report the details on the 24th of each month).

Basically, the Russian-Ukrainian conflict news disseminated by Hong Kong media is 1) translated, reprinted and relayed from mainstream Western media (so-called "media reported"); 2) slightly localized and translated, reprinted and relayed from Taiwanese media (Taiwanese media reports are themselves plagiarized from Western media reports); 3) indirect smuggling of information from anti-China and anti-Russian think tanks/NGOs/UK Ministry of Defence/other foreign intelligence agencies through 1 and 2. On the whole, this is a kind of laundering of anti-Russian and anti-Chinese fake news. The local media is more like a re-broadcasting station for the purification of information released by anti-Russian and anti-Chinese outside forces. The worst is the use of "patriotic" titles, as in the case of Sing Tao Daily, to disseminate fake news spread by Western enemies. Patriotism is judged by behavior alone, not by the apparent title of patriotic "political commissar", membership in patriotic clubs and patriotic slogans.

7月14日 俄羅斯發射導彈轟炸烏克蘭中部城市文尼察(Vinnytsia):7月14日發生了該市中心辦公大樓被擊中,烏克蘭媒體第一時間傳出俄方蓄意瞄準平民云云的敘事,本港媒體隨即轉載和轉播了。他們都明知俄國國防部的每日回應(英語)通常是要等到香港時間下午六點到七點多的,在此之前它們都可以只傳播烏方訊息。其實,今日俄羅斯RT也十分自覺這個回應速度的問題。本港報導已有某種程度的原則了。 1)報導雙方的消息可以抵銷假新聞的效果;2)在一方回應之前,只能報導另一方已發佈的新聞;3)東方日報可以辯解說他們分開不同國家的範疇發布各別發佈的消息;4)TVB在一則新聞內匯總俄烏雙方的消息,但有時只報導烏方/歐美一方的消息,此時仍然能辯解說當時俄方沒有正式回應。基本上,引用的是雙方或第三方政府官方的正式消息,網民/網紅的不算數。這是合理的。對俄方不利的是俄方自己沒有回應或回應得太晚了。這點,俄方需要做好。假新聞的重點是釐清的問題。即「俄方有否蓄意攻擊平民及其設施,而不是軍人和軍用設施?」俄國防部釐清了他們擊毀的是被用來當軍職務官舍的會所(注意:軍用的民用設施是軍用設施了)。抓到了重點,就不會動搖。


On July 14, Russian missile bombing of the central Ukrainian city of Vinnytsia: On July 14, when the city's central office building was hit, the Ukrainian media were the first to spread the story that the Russians had deliberately targeted civilians, which was immediately picked up and broadcast by the local media. They all knew that the Russian Defense Ministry's daily response (in English) usually waited until after 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. Hong Kong time, until then they could just spread the Ukrainian message. In fact, RT is also very conscious of this speed of response problem. There is already a certain degree of principle in local reporting. 1) reporting news from both sides can offset the effect of fake news; 2) before one side responds, only news from the other side can be reported; 3) Oriental Daily News can argue that they publish separate news from different countries; 4) TVB aggregates news from Russia and Ukraine in one story, but sometimes only news from the Ukrainian/European and American sides are reported, and then it can still argue that the Russian side had no official response. Basically, the official news from both sides or third-party governments is quoted, and the news from netizens/influencers does not count. This is reasonable. What is not good for the Russian side is that the Russian side itself did not respond or responded too late. This is something that the Russians need to do better. The point of fake news is to clarify the issue. That is, "Did the Russians deliberately attack civilians and their facilities, rather than military personnel and facilities? The Russian Defense Ministry clarified that they destroyed a clubhouse that was being used as a military official residence (note: a military civilian facility is now a military facility). If you get the point, you won't be swayed.

Also, special mention should be made of the fact that RT, which feels that the Russian response is always too late, immediately clarified the details of the attack. The Russian military would not immediately comment on the incident, and RT editor-in-chief Margarita Simonovna Simonyan confirmed the attack, citing a Russian Defense Ministry official who said the house was a pre-determined target. The source said Ukraine was using it as a temporary shelter for its "Nazi" fighters. However, local and foreign media usually cite only the Ministry of Defense or the Russian government, not the official media itself.

7月23日 烏克蘭軍方表示,俄軍以巡航導彈攻擊敖德薩港,其中兩枚導彈被防空部隊擊落,兩枚擊中港口基礎設施。俄烏前一日分別與聯合國及土耳其,簽署恢復從黑海港口出口糧食的協議,以紓緩全球糧食危機。7月24日隔一日,俄羅斯稱其在週六對烏克蘭港口城市敖德薩的襲擊中擊中了一個軍事目標。這次襲擊發生在聯合國促成的解除烏克蘭港口糧食出口的協議簽署後的第二天。稍後,國防部表示,一艘軍艦和一批魚叉導彈在週六的襲擊中被擊中。俄羅斯國防部證實週六襲擊了烏克蘭主要港口敖德薩的目標,聲稱其導彈擊中了軍事基礎設施和武器庫存。這個也是回應速度和釐清攻擊目標(合理辯解)的問題。只要處理好這兩點就好了。

On July 23, the Ukrainian military said the Russian army attacked the port of Odessa with cruise missiles, two of which were shot down by air defense forces and two hit the port infrastructure. The day before, Russia and Ukraine signed an agreement with the United Nations and Turkey to resume food exports from Black Sea ports to alleviate the global food crisis. The attack came a day after a U.N.-brokered agreement to lift food exports from Ukrainian ports was signed. Later, the Defense Ministry said a warship and a shipment of harpoon missiles were hit in Saturday's attack. The Russian Defense Ministry confirmed that it attacked targets in Ukraine's main port of Odessa on Saturday, claiming that its missiles hit military infrastructure and weapons stockpiles. This is also a matter of speed of response and clarity of targeting (reasonable justification). As long as these two points are addressed, we'll be fine.

7月27日 頓巴斯官員敦促居民對被禁爆炸裝置保持警惕。市長Aleksey Kulemzin說,烏克蘭軍隊週三晚上在頓涅茨克人民共和國首都空投了被禁止的PFM-1殺傷人員地雷。市長在其Telegram頻道上寫道,在該市西北部的幾條街道上發現了地雷。"一個拆彈小組和救援人員從清晨開始就在現場工作。一輛配備有擴音器的車輛正在提醒當地居民," 庫萊姆津說,並敦促人們提高警惕,不要接近地雷。根據1997年《渥太華公約》,小型蝴蝶狀的PFM-1型地雷是被禁止的,烏克蘭是該公約的一部分。即使它們在被踩到時不會殺死受害者,但它們往往會把人的腳扯下來。這種集束炸彈,又稱花瓣或蝴蝶炸彈不是由俄方使用的。也並無動機用來傷害自己人(親俄居民)。刑事犯罪是要毫無可疑的動機成立的。市民看到香港媒體發佈的未經證實的二手貨‘新聞’時,就要問動機到底是什麼?是否成立?

On July 27, Donbass officials urge residents to be vigilant about banned explosive devices. Ukrainian troops air-dropped banned PFM-1 anti-personnel mines in the capital of the Donetsk People's Republic on Wednesday night, Mayor Aleksey Kulemzin said. The mines were found in several streets in the northwestern part of the city, the mayor wrote on his Telegram channel.

"A bomb disposal team and rescue workers have been working on the site since early morning. A vehicle equipped with a loudspeaker is alerting local residents," Kulemzin said, urging people to be vigilant and stay away from the mines. The small butterfly-shaped PFM-1 mines are banned under the 1997 Ottawa Convention, of which Ukraine is a part. Even though they do not kill their victims when stepped on, they often rip people's feet off. These cluster bombs, also known as petals or butterfly bombs, are not used by the Russians. Nor is there any motive to use them to harm one's own people (pro-Russian residents). A criminal offense requires no suspicious motive to be established. When people see unconfirmed second-hand 'news' published by the Hong Kong media, they have to ask what the motive is. Is it valid?

7月29日 奧列尼夫卡(Yelenovka)監獄大屠殺:據頓涅茨克人民共和國新聞部副部長Daniil Bezsonov稱,烏克蘭軍隊週五清晨炮擊了郊區Yelenovka定居點的一所關押戰俘的監獄。據頓涅茨克人民共和國稱,週五上午對奧列尼夫卡村附近監獄的襲擊造成53人死亡,另有75人受傷。俄羅斯國防部證實,該設施曾關押過烏克蘭亞速營的成員,亞速營的戰士在圍攻馬里烏波爾的亞速鋼鐵廠時向俄羅斯和頓巴斯部隊投降。基輔政府指責俄羅斯在其頓巴斯盟友的領土上實施了攻擊。然而,頓涅茨克人民共和國當局展示了他們所說的HIMARS(美國提供給烏克蘭軍隊的火箭炮)使用的火箭彈碎片。 連香港媒體都報導了該重要證據,HIMARS發射的火箭彈碎片。物據說明一切。 7月之間,本港龍頭媒體TVB何東方日報都基本上報導了雙方的消息。其他較小本港媒體都跟隨龍頭,彼此參照報導內容,甚至來源都是西方主流媒體,因此國際新聞報導內容大同小異。

July 29 - Yelenovka prison massacre: Ukrainian troops shelled a prison for prisoners of war in the suburban settlement of Yelenovka early Friday morning, according to Donetsk People's Republic Deputy Minister of Information Daniil Bezsonov, 53 people were killed and 75 others were wounded in the Friday morning attack on the prison near the village of Oleynivka. The Russian Defense Ministry confirmed that the facility had held members of the Ukrainian Azov battalion, whose fighters surrendered to Russian and Donbass forces during the siege of the Azov steel plant in Mariupol. The Kiev government has accused Russia of carrying out attacks on the territory of its Donbass allies. However, the Donetsk People's Republic authorities showed fragments of the rockets they say were used in HIMARS, the rocket artillery provided by the U.S. to the Ukrainian army. Even the Hong Kong media reported the important evidence, the fragments of rockets fired by HIMARS. The evidence speaks for itself. Between July, Hong Kong's leading media, TVB and Oriental Daily News, largely reported the news from both sides. Other smaller Hong Kong media followed the lead, referencing each other's stories, even from Western mainstream media, so international news coverage was similar.


8月1日 莫斯科駐聯合國代表團拒絕了華盛頓關於俄羅斯軍隊將烏克蘭扎波羅熱核電站作為"軍事基地"的說法。美國國務卿安東尼-布林肯週一在紐約聯合國總部舉行的第十次不擴散條約(NPT)審議大會上發表講話時提出了這一指控。目前在俄羅斯軍隊的控制下,位於烏克蘭東南部城市埃涅爾戈達爾的扎波羅熱核電站在最近幾個月裡一直是幾個企圖打擊的目標。據當地政府稱,7月12日,烏克蘭無人機向位於電廠旁邊的一棟建築投擲了幾枚120毫米炮彈,造成11名員工受傷。7月20日,三架烏克蘭"神風特攻隊"無人機襲擊了該電廠,但沒有關於其結構受損的報道。


On August 1, the Moscow delegation to the United Nations has rejected Washington's claim that Russian troops are using the Zaporozhye nuclear power station in Ukraine as a "military base. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken made the allegation Monday in a speech at the 10th Review Conference of the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) at U.N. headquarters in New York. The Zaporozhye nuclear power station in the southeastern Ukrainian city of Energodar, currently under the control of Russian forces, has been the target of several attempts in recent months. On July 12, Ukrainian drones dropped several 120mm shells on a building next to the plant, injuring 11 employees, according to local authorities, and on July 20, three Ukrainian Kamikaze drones attacked the plant, but there were no reports of structural damage.

The main provocation in August was the so-called "nuclear terrorism" at Europe's largest nuclear power plant in Zaporozhye. There are two main points: the Russian army did not use the station as a military base or launch point, and the traces of the Ukrainian firing are confirmed in the video. This is one of the provocations that have been developing since March 4, 2022, when the Russian army took control of the station.



After the IAEA arrived at the Zaporozhye nuclear power station from Aug. 31 to Sept. 3 to conduct an investigation, the IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency released its report on Sept. 6. On Sept. 7, RT reported that Russian President Vladimir Putin said the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) could not publicly state that the attack on the Zaporozhye nuclear power station (ZNPP) was carried out by Kiev. Speaking at the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok on Wednesday, the Russian leader praised the agency as a responsible international organization with a very professional leader and said he believed the IAEA's latest report on the ZNPP.

9月9日RT報導俄羅斯總統弗拉基米爾-普京指責西方國家在糧食交易中欺騙了貧困國家。西班牙El Pais報週四援引聯合國數據和船舶追蹤數字報道,根據聯合國斡旋的協議,從烏克蘭出口的糧食中至少有38%被運往歐盟,而不是運往非洲的發展中國家。根據該報告,8月1日至9月7日,超過230萬噸的玉米、小麥、大麥和其他農產品通過黑海走廊從烏克蘭出口。其中,約90萬噸被送往歐盟成員國的港口。報告指出,從現有的數據中無法追蹤歐盟是否是這些貨物的最終目的地或中轉站。7月22日,在伊斯坦布爾簽署了多邊協議,建立了烏克蘭糧食、食品和化肥經黑海出口的框架。這些協議還取消了對俄羅斯糧食和化肥出口的限制。然而,據俄羅斯常駐聯合國代表瓦西里-內本齊亞稱,糧食協議中涉及俄羅斯產品出口的部分沒有得到執行,這可能導致莫斯科終止該協議。重點是大部分糧食被運往以北約成員,仲裁者土耳其為首的歐洲國家,而不是非洲。甚至,俄方欲運往非洲的糧食和化肥只被允許銷往歐洲。主要是金融制裁導致無法結算,因此只能免費送非洲。

On Sept. 9, RT reports Russian President Vladimir Putin has accused the West of cheating poor countries in the food trade. Spanish newspaper El Pais reported Thursday, citing U.N. data and ship-tracking figures, that at least 38 percent of the food exported from Ukraine under a U.N.-brokered agreement was shipped to the European Union instead of to developing countries in Africa.

According to the report, more than 2.3 million tons of corn, wheat, barley and other agricultural products were exported from Ukraine through the Black Sea corridor between Aug. 1 and Sept. 7. Of this amount, about 900,000 tons were sent to the ports of EU member states. On July 22, multilateral agreements were signed in Istanbul, establishing a framework for Ukrainian grain, food and fertilizer exports via the Black Sea. These agreements also remove restrictions on the export of Russian food and fertilizers. However, according to Russia's permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzya, the part of the food agreement that deals with the export of Russian products has not been implemented, which may lead Moscow to terminate the agreement. The main point is that most of the food is sent to European countries, led by NATO member and arbiter Turkey, and not to Africa. Even the grain and fertilizers that the Russians wanted to send to Africa were allowed to be sold only to Europe. The main reason for this is that financial sanctions prevented the settlement of accounts, so they can only be sent to Africa for free.

9月6日至10日 基輔大反攻:俄羅斯國防部聲稱,在基輔為期五天的反攻中,烏克蘭軍隊的傷亡人數超過了12000人。國防部發言人伊戈爾-科納申科夫中將在周日的每日簡報中說,9月6日至10日期間,在該國南部和東部有超過4000名烏克蘭軍隊被殺,另有8000人受傷。在烏克蘭的攻勢下,俄羅斯部隊已離開哈爾科夫地區的多個定居點。俄羅斯國防部已確認從烏克蘭哈爾科夫地區的多個地點撤出部隊。這一發展是在基輔對該地區發動進攻的情況下出現的。"俄羅斯軍方週六在一份聲明中說:"為了實現特別軍事行動的目標,決定在巴拉克利亚和伊久姆地區重新集結部隊,以便在頓涅茨克方向加強努力。該部稱,駐紮在該地區的部隊在過去三天裡被 "重新部署"到頓涅茨克人民共和國境內。它補充說,在行動期間,軍方進行了"一些模仿部隊真實行動的分散注意力和示範活動",但沒有提供有關上述演習的任何進一步細節。

Sept. 6-10 Kiev counter-offensive: The Russian Defense Ministry claims that more than 12,000 Ukrainian troops were killed or wounded during a five-day counter-offensive of Kiev. Defense Ministry spokesman Lt. Gen. Igor Konashenkov said in his daily briefing on Sunday that more than 4,000 Ukrainian troops were killed and another 8,000 were wounded in the south and east of the country between Sept. 6 and 10. Russian troops have left a number of settlements in the Kharkiv region in the wake of the Ukrainian offensive. The Russian Defense Ministry has confirmed the withdrawal of troops from various locations in Ukraine's Kharkiv region. This development comes in the context of Kiev's offensive against the region. The Russian military said in a statement Saturday that "in order to achieve the goals of the special military operation, it was decided to regroup troops in the Baraklia and Izyum regions in order to intensify efforts in the direction of Donetsk. The ministry said that the troops stationed in the region were "redeployed" to the territory of the Donetsk People's Republic in the last three days. It added that during the operation, the military carried out "a number of distractions and demonstrations that mimicked the real actions of the troops," but did not provide any further details about the exercises.

9月17日 烏克蘭表示,在早前從俄軍手中奪回的東北部重鎮伊久姆發現亂葬崗,埋葬超過450具屍體。哈爾科夫地方官員說,在挖掘出來的屍體當中,九成九有曾經遭受暴力對待的跡象,有人雙手被綁在背後,亦有人頸部纏繩,顯然他們遭受酷刑和處決。總統澤連斯基說,這批屍體當中包括兒童,指責俄羅斯犯下戰爭罪,又說雖然烏軍本月初展開的反攻行動重奪不少領土,但目前說戰爭形勢改變是為時尚早,而戰事的結果取決於外國武器能否迅速運往烏克蘭。

On September 17, Ukraine says it has found more than 450 bodies buried in a mass grave in the northeastern town of İzyum, which it recaptured from Russian forces earlier. Local officials in Kharkiv said 99 percent of the bodies exhumed showed signs of violence, with hands tied behind their backs and ropes wrapped around their necks, making it clear they had been tortured and executed. President Zelenski said the bodies include children, accusing Russia of war crimes, and said that although the Ukrainian army launched a counter-offensive earlier this month to regain a lot of territory, but it is too early to say that the war situation has changed, and the outcome of the war depends on whether foreign weapons can be quickly transported to Ukraine.

9月19日俄方才回應(還是太晚了)。克里姆林宮發言人德米特里-佩斯科夫拒絕了烏克蘭關於俄羅斯軍隊在基輔最近收回的哈爾科夫部分地區犯下戰爭罪的說法。克里姆林宮發言人德米特里-佩斯科夫拒絕了烏克蘭關於俄羅斯軍隊在最近被基輔收回的哈爾科夫地區部分地區犯下戰爭罪行的說法。佩斯科夫週一在接受記者採訪時說。"這和在布恰的情況一樣。這一切都按照一個方案進行。這是一個謊言," 同時承諾莫斯科 "當然會捍衛這整個故事的真相"。

從2022年2月24日俄軍為制止頓巴斯戰爭而開展特別軍事行動以來,一直到2022年9月24日(7個月)幾乎所有的假新聞範疇,偽旗作戰的概念都出現了。這個亂葬崗也是其中之一,根本不是新的挑釁。它跟馬里烏波爾的亂葬崗指控一模一樣,但發生在烏方控制的伊久姆一帶。 重點是亂葬崗的定義。亂葬崗也是萬人坑。A mass grave是指中文的萬人坑。它是一個亂丟棄屍體的大洞而已。但烏方自己分享的照片和視頻都顯示一堆有秩序安排的個人墳墓組成的軍人墓地。在每一個十字架上有掛牌顯示死者的身分。這並不符合亂葬崗的定義。其實,回答早就在烏方和香港媒體發佈的照片中。照片打到了標題黨。港媒如此嚴重盲目,根本不知道亂葬崗和墓地的區別。

The Russian side responded (still too late) on September 19. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov rejected Ukraine's claim that Russian troops committed war crimes in the part of Kharkiv recently recovered by Kiev. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov rejected Ukraine's claim that Russian troops committed war crimes in parts of the Kharkiv region that were recently recovered by Kiev. Peskov said in an interview with reporters on Monday. This is the same situation as in Bucha. All this is done according to a program. It's a lie, while promising that Moscow "will certainly defend the truth of this whole story."

From February 24, 2022, when the Russian army launched a special military operation to stop the war in Donbass, until September 24, 2022 (seven months) almost all categories of fake news, the concept of false flag warfare fully emerged. This mass grave allegation is one of them, and it is not a new provocation at all. It is exactly the same as the allegations of mass graves in Mariupol, but in the Ukrainian-controlled area of İzyum. The main point is the definition of a mass grave. A mass grave is also 万人坑 / 亂葬崗, which is the Chinese term for a mass grave. It is just a big hole where bodies are dumped randomly. But the photos and videos shared by the Ukrainians themselves show an orderly arrangement of individual graves forming a military cemetery. On each cross there is a plaque showing the identity of the dead. This does not fit the definition of a mass grave. In fact, the answer has long been in the photos released by the Ukrainian and Hong Kong media. The photos hit the ''headline party'' (Clickbait). The Hong Kong media is so blind that it does not know the difference between a mass grave and a cemetery.

9月19日 頓涅茨克公民院敦促共和國領導人效仿盧甘斯克的做法,盡快就加入俄羅斯舉行公投。頓涅茨克人民共和國(DPR)公民院週一表示,該共和國必須"立即"就加入俄羅斯舉行"公投"。這一呼籲是在鄰國盧甘斯克人民共和國(LPR)的相應機構採取類似行動後不久發出的。從2022年9月23日至27日,兩個頓巴斯共和國、扎波羅熱州和赫爾松州開始投票加入俄羅斯。無庸置疑,基輔大反攻促成了他們急欲加入俄國的意念和必要。目前俄方控制區都變成俄國領土。誠然,俄方等到了這個時機的到來。已有充分理由合情合理地進行公投了。結果是不難知道,那些地區都會加入俄國。

September 19 - The Donetsk Civic Chamber urged the Republic's leaders to follow the example of Lugansk and hold a referendum on joining Russia as soon as possible. The House of Citizens of the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) said on Monday that the republic must hold a "referendum" on joining Russia "immediately. The call came shortly after the neighboring Lugansk People's Republic's (LPR) counterpart took similar action. From September 23 to 27, 2022, the two Donbass republics, Zaporozhye and Kherson oblasts, began voting to join Russia. Undoubtedly, the Kiev's counter-offensive has contributed to their eagerness and necessity to join Russia. Now the Russian-controlled areas have become Russian territory. It is true that the Russian side waited for this opportunity to arrive. There was a good reason to hold a referendum. As a result, it is not difficult to know that all those areas will be added to Russia.

9月21日 在普京宣佈有限的全國性徵兵後,社運人士在一些城市舉行集會。週三,數百人走上莫斯科和其他幾個俄羅斯城市的街頭,抗議總統弗拉基米爾-普京在俄羅斯與烏克蘭的持續衝突中於週三早些時候宣佈的部分動員。這些示威活動沒有得到當局的授權。到目前為止,莫斯科警方沒有正式公佈集會的任何人群數量,也沒有提供有多少人被拘留的確切數字。 據一個活動團體OVD-Info稱,在離市中心總參謀部不遠處聚集的人群中,有數百人被俄羅斯首都的執法部門扣留。 重點是未經批准的示威集會是違法的。

Sept. 21 Social activists rallied in several cities after Vladimir Putin announced a limited nationwide military draft. Hundreds of people took to the streets of Moscow and several other Russian cities on Wednesday to protest some of the mobilizations announced by President Vladimir Putin earlier Wednesday amid the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine. The demonstrations were not authorized by the authorities. So far, Moscow police have not officially announced any crowd sizes for the rallies, nor have they provided exact figures on how many people have been detained. According to OVD-Info, an activist group, hundreds of people were detained by the Russian capital's law enforcement agencies in the crowd that gathered not far from the General Staff Headquarters in the city center. The point is that unauthorized demonstrations are illegal.

9月22日 俄羅斯國防部表示,具有戰鬥經驗和相關軍事專業的預備役人員將首先被徵召。俄羅斯國防部週四告訴記者,在正在進行的動員中,俄羅斯的入伍辦公室將把重點放在具有戰鬥經驗和相關軍事專業的預備役人員上。重點是不是總動員,排除了學生,身心狀況不符者以及為未具有軍事經驗者。明顯,有些人是為發起示威而刻意誤導群眾的,好像香港發生一樣。

Sept. 22 The Russian Defense Ministry says reservists with combat experience and relevant military specialties will be called up first. The Russian Defense Ministry told reporters on Thursday that in the ongoing mobilization, Russia's enlistment office will focus on reservists with combat experience and relevant military specialties. The focus is not on total enlistment, excluding students, those who are not physically and mentally fit and those who do not have military experience. Obviously, some people are deliberately misleading the crowd in order to start demonstrations, as if happened in Hong Kong.

NEWS 【事實關係】

1. 保安局局長鄧炳強與俄羅斯聯邦(俄羅斯)司法部長Konstantin Chuychenko今日(九月二十一日)分別代表香港特別行政區(香港特區)政府及俄羅斯政府,透過視像會議簽署刑事事宜相互法律協助和移交被判刑人的雙邊協定。鄧炳強在簽署儀式中表示:「香港和俄羅斯均致力透過國際合作打擊罪案。今日簽訂的刑事事宜相互法律協助協定和移交被判刑人協定,標誌兩地在司法合作方面邁出重要一步。」根據《基本法》,在中央人民政府授權下,香港特區政府可與外國就司法互助關係作出適當安排。香港特區政府與俄羅斯政府簽署的關於刑事事宜相互法律協助協定,載有國際上同類協定的主要條款及保障,所涵蓋的協助包括辨認和追尋有關的人、送達文件、取得證據、執行搜查和檢取的請求、提供資料、沒收犯罪得益等。移交被判刑人協定體現了香港和俄羅斯雙方的一個共同信念,就是容許被判刑人返回原居地服刑,免除語言和文化障礙,而其親友又能更經常探望,有助他們改過自新。因此,香港的政策是盡量促進香港與其他司法管轄區進行這類移交。LINK

2. 俄羅斯國防部稱,俄國防部長謝爾蓋·紹伊古向俄總統弗拉基米爾·普京報告了盧甘斯克人民共和國領土解放的情況。該部門在一份新聞稿中陳:"今天,2022年7月3日,俄聯邦國防部長謝爾蓋·紹伊古陸軍上將向俄聯邦武裝力量最高統帥弗拉基米爾·普京報告了盧甘斯克人民共和國的解放情況。“前一天,由俄羅斯軍隊和盧甘斯克人民共和國民兵戰士組成的聯軍包圍了烏軍控制下的前盧甘斯克地區的最後一個城市——利西昌斯克。據報道,由於戰事取得成功,俄羅斯武裝力量與盧甘斯克人民共和國人民警察分隊已經完全控制了利西昌斯克市和附近的一些居民點,其中最大的是別洛格羅夫卡、新德魯熱斯克、 馬羅里亞贊採沃和白戈拉。過去24小時內被解放的總面積為182平方公里。LINK

3. 俄羅斯駐華大使安德烈·傑尼索夫2022年7月6日代表俄羅斯總統普京向中國全國政協副主席、中國國務院港澳事務辦公室主任夏寶龍頒發了「友誼勳章」。授勳儀式在北京釣魚台國賓館舉行,俄羅斯聯邦總統企業家權利保護全權代表,俄中友好、和平與發展委員會俄方主席鮑里斯∙季托夫線上出席儀式。夏寶龍在致辭中說,「這枚勳章彰顯了普京總統對中俄友好事業的高度重視和殷切期待,也使我們深切感受到俄羅斯人民對中國人民的深情厚誼。」LINK

4. 8月26日,由中國中央廣播電視總台和俄羅斯駐華使館聯合主辦的「中俄影像交流展播活動」啟動儀式在京舉行。

俄羅斯駐華大使傑尼索夫,中共中央宣傳部副部長、中央廣播電視總台台長兼總編輯慎海雄,俄羅斯全俄國家電視廣播公司總裁多布羅傑耶夫,中國中央廣播電視總台編務會議成員邢博、范昀,中國外交部歐亞司參贊張偉等出席,並以線上線下方式共同啟動展播活動。范昀在致辭中表示,影像是記錄時代變遷、見證國家發展、促進文明互鑒的生動載體。總台將以「中俄影像交流展播活動」為契機,不斷深化與俄羅斯媒體的交流與合作,進一步促進中俄兩國人民之間的相互了解,加強中俄兩國傳統友誼。 […] 「中俄影像交流展播活動」啟動活動結束後,俄羅斯駐華使館舉行授勛儀式,慎海雄接受俄方授予的俄羅斯「友誼勳章」。傑尼索夫大使宣讀了俄羅斯總統令,並代表俄羅斯政府向慎海雄頒授勳章和證書,以表彰他為推動俄中文化交流和兩國人民友誼所作出的貢獻。LINK

5. 美國總領事墨客臨別演辭: 我們敦促北京收回他們施加於港人身上種種公開和微妙的壓力,令他們背井離鄉、自我審查、退出公民社會生活。我們敦促北京允許香港市民繼續行使令香港繁榮數十載、屬於他們的權利。美國將繼續和香港市民站在一起,支持《聯合聲明》所承諾的高度自治,以及使香港受益多年的一國兩制的初衷。讓我們基於共同的願望,建立一個開放,穩定和繁榮的香港。謝謝。LINK

6. 美國國會眾議院議長佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi)攜訪團於當地時間周二(8月2日)晚抵達台北。台灣媒體報道稱,佩洛西一行將於3日上午拜會台灣立法院、與台灣總統蔡英文會談,預計國安會秘書長、國防部長、國安局長等官員將出席會晤。報道還說,佩洛西在台期間將接受媒體公開訪問,預計3日下午離開台灣。自1970年代華盛頓與台北斷交、和北京建交以來,美國到訪過台灣的最高級別政治人物就是國會的眾議院議長。1997年4月,美國時任眾議長、共和黨人金里奇(Newt Gingrich,台譯金瑞契)曾「旋風式」訪問台灣。LINK

7. ‘Devastating’: Ukrainians in Hong Kong frantically messaging relatives back home after watching invasion in horror, while some Russians join anti-war protest in Central. Ukrainian residents in Hong Kong talk of fears for families back home as Russian forces advance on the nation’s capital. A member of the Russian community says many are shocked and frustrated, but admits others have supported the invasion. LINK

8. 俄羅斯入侵烏克蘭超過1個半月,造成大量平民傷亡,全球多個國家地區發起聲援烏克蘭的反戰運動,香港亦有多個民間組織及大專學生響應,數名示威者趁星期日俄烏戰爭45日,分別到尖沙咀天星碼頭進行”快閃”示威,要求俄羅斯立即撤離烏克蘭。警方派出十多名警員到場監視,警告示威者可能違反防疫”限聚令”。有大專學生表示,擔心警方可能作出拘捕,仍希望站出來呼籲港人支持國際反戰運動。LINK

9. 香港民意研究所原定於今日(11日)舉行有關「俄烏戰爭」的調查發布會,不過今午約12時臨時宣布取消。民研解釋,周三(9日)起多間傳媒報道一份聲稱是由該機構草擬有關俄烏戰爭的問卷草稿,但經內部查證後,證實文件完全捏造。民研指由於事出突然,團隊用了大量時間和精神去處理有關事件,當中包括法律團隊和其他人士,故決定取消記者會。翻查報道,網頁「港人講地」於周三貼出一份網上流傳的問卷,引述網民批評問題有嚴重引導性,質疑涉違《國安法》。《文匯報》今日亦有報道講述相關問卷,並指「不排除該組織再一次以『學術』之名炮製『民意』。」LINK

10.【明報專訊】美國駐港澳總領事館昨日宣布,新任總領事梅儒瑞(Gregory May)已於上周五(16日)抵港履新。梅儒瑞表示期待結識港澳的不同界別人士,並繼續發展和推進雙方長久關係、共同利益和價值觀。他來港前曾任美國駐蒙古烏蘭巴托大使館副館長及美國駐瀋陽總領事館總領事。LINK

11. 王毅高度評價傑尼索夫在華期間出色表現。王毅表示,你是中國人民的好朋友、老朋友,也是真朋友,出使中國近十年來,為促進中俄各領域合作、增進兩國人民友誼和互信做了大量卓有成效工作,為捍衛雙方正當合法權益、維護國際公平正義作出重要貢獻。在習近平主席和普京總統戰略引領下,中俄全面戰略協作不斷向前邁進,兩國關係的民意和社會基礎得到進一步加強,這當中也凝聚著大使先生的心血。中方對此表示高度贊賞。期待你為中俄關係發展繼續作出新的貢獻。LINK

12. 經過2019年「黑暴事件」,知道「顏色革命」有機會在港發生,故政府會作好準備,以防有人趁國際事件在港製造混亂,並預防「本土恐怖主義」和「反政府小組」。LINK

13. 隨著烏克蘭的快速反擊取得進一步進展,俄羅斯軍隊已經從烏克蘭東部主要城鎮撤出。烏克蘭官員稱,軍隊周六(9月10日)進入俄羅斯軍隊在東部的重要補給中心庫皮揚斯克(Kupiansk)。俄羅斯國防部隨後表示,軍隊已從附近的伊久姆(Izyum)附近撤退,以「重新部署」。俄羅斯國防部還證實從第三個關鍵鎮巴拉克列亞(Balaklyia)撤軍,以加強在頓涅茨克前線的戰鬥。LINK

14. 俄羅斯入侵烏克蘭的戰事持續。俄羅斯再度發射導彈轟炸烏克蘭中部城市文尼察(Vinnytsia),擊中市中心一座辦公大樓,爆炸波及附近住宅及建築物,造成23人死亡,包括小童,另外近百人受傷,多人失蹤,預料死亡人數會攀升。總統澤連斯基批評,襲擊導致包括小童在內的平民傷亡是恐怖主義行為。LINK

15. Moscow said it targeted a meeting of Kiev's military commanders with foreign arms suppliers in central Vinnitsa. The Russian military has confirmed launching a missile attack at a target in the city of Vinnitsa in Ukraine. The Defense Ministry denied claims that it was a deliberate strike on civilians, stating that it hit Ukrainian military commanders as they were negotiating with foreign arms suppliers. LINK

16. The Russian Armed Forces have hit a maternity hospital and a medical center in Vinnytsia. Volodymyr Zelensky and the Ukrainian media claim this. LINK

17. 烏克蘭指責,俄軍導彈清晨擊中敖德薩地區一幢樓房,部分完全被摧毀,至少21人死亡。被擊中的樓房位於謝爾吉伊夫卡,當地居民協助救援人員在瓦礫中搜救傷者,鄰近一幢樓房亦受爆炸的衝擊波影響受損。敖德薩官員表示,死者當中包括一名12歲男童,又指導彈由黑海發射。俄羅斯否認攻擊平民。總統新聞秘書佩斯科夫強調,俄軍不以平民作目標,一直攻擊軍事設施。LINK

18. Ukrainian media claimed that the weapons hit an office building. Reports said they also damaged nearby residential buildings and the building of the House of Military Officers, an institution operated by the Ukrainian Defense Ministry, which normally serves as a concert hall. The Russian military would not immediately comment on the incident. RT Editor-in-Chief Margarita Simonyan cited a Russian defense official as confirming the attack and saying that the House was the intended target. Ukraine used it as a temporary shelter for its “Nazi”fighters, the source claimed. LINK

19. Kiev claimed that last week’s Russian attack targetted civilians. Three Ukrainian officers, including two colonels, were reportedly taken out in last week’s Russian attack on the city of Vinnitsa in western Ukraine on July 14, according to local reports. Moscow says it targeted a building used for military purposes, a claim rejected by Kiev. LINK

20. The alleged attack did not damage grain storage at the facility, according to the Ukrainian military. Ukraine has claimed that Russia launched a cruise missile strike on the port of Odessa, a major trade hub in the country's southwest. The claim, made by the Ukrainian military and officials, comes a day after a UN-brokered deal to unblock the nation's grain exports was reached. At least four cruise missiles were used to target the facility, a spokesman for the Odessa military administration, Sergey Bratchuk, said. Two of the projectiles were intercepted, while the two others hit the port’s infrastructure, he claimed. Footage circulating online purports to show a plume of smoke rising above the port, as well as an object appearing to be a small boat on fire. Other images show an apparent explosion of an anti-aircraft rocket in the sky above the city. Russia deliberately targeted the grain silos at the port, a spokeswoman for Ukraine’s ‘South’ command, Natalya Gumenyuk, claimed. Still, the grain storage was not damaged and the port did not sustain “significant damage.” Moscow has so far remained silent on the latest claims from Kiev. LINK

21. Moscow says its missile attack on Odessa targeted military infrastructure. Russia says it hit a military target during a Saturday strike on the Ukrainian port city of Odessa. The attack came a day after the signing of a UN-brokered deal to unblock grain exports from Ukrainian ports. “The Kalibr missiles destroyed part of the military infrastructure in the port of Odessa,” Russia’s Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova wrote on Telegram on Sunday. The high-precision strike sent a Ukrainian military vessel to the bottom of the Black Sea, she added. LINK

22. A military vessel and a stockpile of Harpoon missiles were hit during Saturday’s attack, the defense ministry has said. The Russian Ministry of Defense has confirmed striking targets in the major Ukrainian port of Odessa on Saturday, claiming that its missiles hit military infrastructure and arms stockpiles. LINK

23. The Donbass official urged residents to stay vigilant for banned explosive devices. Ukrainian forces airdropped banned PFM-1 anti-personnel landmines on the capital of the Donetsk People’s Republic on Wednesday night, Mayor Aleksey Kulemzin said.The mayor wrote on his Telegram channel that mines were discovered on several streets in the northwestern part of the city. “A bomb squad and rescuers have been working on the site since the early morning. A vehicle equipped with a loudspeaker is alerting local residents,” Kulemzin said, urging people to be vigilant and not approach the mines. The small butterfly-shaped PFM-1 landmines are banned under the 1997 Ottawa Convention, of which Ukraine is part. Even when they do not kill the victim when stepped on, they often rip the person’s foot off. Earlier, Lugansk People’s Republic authorities reported finding the PFM-1s in places left by Ukrainian troops after retreating. LINK

24. The Ukrainian military attacked the facility “to hide crimes” the inmates could expose, the republic’s military has claimed Kiev knew exactly where Ukrainian prisoners of war were being held when it ordered a strike on the detention facility in Donbass, Eduard Basurin, the spokesman for the army of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), claimed. The attack on the prison near the village of Yelenovka on Friday morning claimed the lives of 53 people, with 75 more injured, according to the DPR. The Russian Defense Ministry confirmed that the facility had held members of Ukraine’s Azov Battalion, whose fighters surrendered to Russian and Donbass forces during the siege of the Azovstal steel factory in Mariupol. LINK

25. Moscow's mission to the United Nations has rejected a claim by Washington that Russian forces are using Ukraine’s Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant as a “military base.” US Secretary of State Antony Blinken made the allegation in a speech at the tenth Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) review conference, held at the UN headquarters in New York on Monday. Currently under the control of Russian forces, Zaporozhye NPP, located in the southeast Ukrainian city of Energodar, has been a target of several attempted strikes in recent months. On July 12, Ukrainian drones dropped several 120mm shells on a building located next to the power plant, injuring 11 employees, according to local authorities. On July 20 three Ukrainian “kamikaze drones” attacked the plant, with no damage to its structure reported. After Russia sent troops into Ukraine, the power plant and its surroundings were taken under guard for the exact purpose of preventing such “nuclear provocations” with potentially “unpredictable consequences,” the Russian mission to the UN explained on Monday. LINK

26. The government in Kiev accused Russia of carrying out the attack on the territory of its Donbass ally. DPR authorities, however, showed fragments of what they said were rockets used by HIMARS, the rocket artillery supplied to the Ukrainian military by the US. LINK

27. Kiev’s General Staff also says there are no Russian troops inside at the Zaporozhye facility. The Ukrainian military publicly admitted striking the area around the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant in an official General Staff briefing on Friday. Previously, Kiev had claimed that Russian forces used the plant as a military base; now it says all troops have relocated due to the visit by IAEA inspectors. “In the areas of the settlements of Kherson and Energodar, accurate strikes by our troops destroyed three enemy artillery systems, as well as an ammunition depot and up to a company of personnel,” said the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine during the daily briefing. The military also claimed that, due to the arrival of the IAEA inspection team, the Russian “occupiers removed all military equipment from the territory of the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant. About 100 units moved to the plant ‘Atom Energomash’ and the rest were dispersed in the nearest settlements.” Energodar and the Zaporozhye facility have been under Russian control since early March, and functioned without problems until drone and artillery attacks began in July. Kiev has argued that the shelling was a false-flag operation by Moscow to make Ukraine look bad, but also that Russia was using the plant as a base for heavy artillery and equipment. Moscow has consistently denied the accusations, saying that only lightly armed guards were deployed at the facility to ensure its security. On Friday, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said Ukrainian claims that Moscow was using the facility to attack Ukrainian positions “with long-range artillery systems” were “blatant lies.” LINK

28. The IAEA can’t openly blame Kiev for attacking the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant, the Russian president has said The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) can’t openly state that the attacks on the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP) are being carried out by Kiev, Russian President Vladimir Putin has said. Speaking at the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok on Wednesday, the Russian leader praised the agency as being a responsible international organization with a very professional leader, and stated that he trusts the IAEA’s latest report on the ZNPP. However, Putin noted that the agency is under pressure from the US and other Western nations, and therefore cannot directly accuse Kiev of attacking the nuclear plant. LINK

29. Russian President Vladimir Putin has accused the West of deceiving poor nations with the grain deal. At least 38% of the grain exported from Ukraine under the UN-brokered deal is shipped to the EU instead of the developing countries in Africa for which it was intended, Spain’s El Pais newspaper reported on Thursday, citing UN data and ship tracking figures. According to the report, more than 2.3 million tons of corn, wheat, barley and other agricultural products were exported through the Black Sea corridor from Ukraine between August 1 and September 7. Of this total, about 900,000 tons were sent to the ports of EU member states. The report notes that it is impossible to trace from the available data whether the EU is the final destination of the shipments or a transit point. On July 22, multilateral agreements were signed in Istanbul establishing the framework of exports of Ukrainian grain, food, and fertilizers via the Black Sea. The agreements also lifted restrictions on Russian grain and fertilizer exports. However, according to Russia’s permanent representative to the UN, Vassily Nebenzia, the part of the food deal that concerns the export of Russian products has not been implemented, which could lead to the termination of the deal by Moscow. Speaking at a plenary session of the Eastern Economic Forum on Wednesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin accused Western nations of lying when they claimed Ukraine needed access to sea shipping to alleviate surging food prices and the risk of famine in poor countries, as a lion’s share of the grain is being exported to Western states. In his remark earlier on Thursday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan sided with the Russian leader, saying that Ukrainian grain is “unfortunately” going mostly to rich countries. LINK

30. Over 4,000 pro-Kiev troops were killed in southern and eastern Ukraine in a five-day period, the Russian Defense Ministry claims. Ukrainian military casualties exceeded 12,000 during Kiev's five-day counteroffensive, Russia’s Defense Ministry has claimed. More than 4,000 Ukrainian troops were killed and another 8,000 injured between September 6 and 10 in the south and east of the country, ministry spokesman Lieutenant General Igor Konashenkov said during a daily briefing on Sunday. LINK

31. Russian units have left multiple settlements in the Kharkov region amid a Ukrainian offensive. The Russian Defense Ministry has confirmed the withdrawal of troops from multiple locations across Ukraine’s Kharkov region. The development comes amid an offensive in the area by Kiev. “In order to achieve the goals of the special military operation, a decision was made to regroup troops in the areas of Balakleya and Izyum in order to build up efforts in the Donetsk direction,” the Russian military said in a statement on Saturday. The troops stationed in the area have been "re-deployed" over the past three days into territory of the Donetsk People’s Republic, the ministry claimed. During the operation, the military has performed a “number of distracting and demonstration activities imitating the real action of troops,” it added, without providing any further detail on said maneuvers. LINK

32. Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov has rejected a Ukrainian claim that Russian troops committed war crimes in parts of the Kharkov region recently reclaimed by Kiev. Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov has rejected Ukraine’s claim that Russian troops committed war crimes in parts of the Kharkov region recently reclaimed by Kiev. Speaking to journalists on Monday, Peskov said: “It’s the same scenario as in Bucha. It all goes according to one scenario. It’s a lie,” while pledging that Moscow “will of course defend the truth in this whole story.” In an interview with Reuters on Friday, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky compared the scenes witnessed by Ukrainian troops in the Kharkov region to a “bloody soap opera after Bucha.” The Ukrainian authorities, as well as Western governments and human rights groups, accused Russian forces of committing war crimes in the town of Bucha near Kiev in early April – something Moscow has vehemently denied. LINK

33. 烏克蘭表示,在早前從俄軍手中奪回的東北部重鎮伊久姆發現亂葬崗,埋葬超過450具屍體。哈爾科夫地方官員說,在挖掘出來的屍體當中,九成九有曾經遭受暴力對待的跡象,有人雙手被綁在背後,亦有人頸部纏繩,顯然他們遭受酷刑和處決。總統澤連斯基說,這批屍體當中包括兒童,指責俄羅斯犯下戰爭罪,又說雖然烏軍本月初展開的反攻行動重奪不少領土,但目前說戰爭形勢改變是為時尚早,而戰事的結果取決於外國武器能否迅速運往烏克蘭。美國和歐盟都對烏方的最新發現深感震驚,其中歐盟外交與安全政策高級代表博雷利說,俄羅斯對烏克蘭的侵略戰爭,在各地留低血腥和破壞的痕跡。俄方暫時未有回應烏克蘭的最新指控,但過往一直否認在烏克蘭的特別軍事行動中針對平民,反指有關侵犯人權的指控是抹黑。LINK

34. Donetsk’s civic chamber urged the head of the republic to hold a referendum on joining Russia soon, following Lugansk’s lead. The Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) must “immediately”hold a “referendum” on joining Russia, its civic chamber said on Monday. The call came shortly after a similar move was made by the equivalent body of the neighboring Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR). Addressing the head of the DPR, Denis Pushilin, the chamber said the time for “decisive actions” has come, urging him to hold the vote as soon as possible. “All of us feel and know for a long time that Donbass is Russia, we have been fighting for this for eight long years. For this, we daily suffer strikes on our homes, streets, hospitals, schools and kindergartens,” the head of the chamber, Aleksander Kofman, said in a statement. LINK

35. Activists rallied in a number of cities after Putin announced a limited nationwide call up. Hundreds of people have taken to the streets of Moscow and several other Russian cities on Wednesday to protest a partial mobilization, announced earlier on Wednesday by President Vladimir Putin amid Russia’s ongoing conflict with Ukraine. The demonstrations were not authorized by the authorities.So far, Moscow police have not officially released any crowd numbers for the rally and didn't provide exact figures on how many people have been detained. According to an activist group, OVD-Info, hundreds were held by law enforcement in the Russian capital as a crowd gathered not far from the General Staff headquarters in the city center. OVD-info is an activist group covering various protest actions in Russia. It was designated a ‘foreign agent’ by the Russian Justice Ministry in 2021. LINK

36. Reservists with combat experience and relevant military specialties will be drafted first, the Russian Defense Ministry has said. Induction offices in Russia will focus on reservists with combat experience and relevant military specialties during the ongoing mobilization, the Russian Defense Ministry told journalists on Thursday. On Wednesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the partial mobilization amid the prolonged conflict with Ukraine. There is no specific drafting order, the ministry admitted, but said priority would be given to reservists who have previously undergone training as tank operators, artillery crew members, drivers, mechanics and motorized infantry. It also called combat experience “one of the key factors” in its choice of draftees. LINK

37. A report suggesting that Russia could draft one million people is not true, the Kremlin spokesman has said. A media report claiming that the partial mobilization decree signed by President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday allows for one million people to be called up for military service has been dismissed by Kremlin Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov. “This is a lie,” Peskov told journalists on Thursday. LINK

38. Ukraine’s only successful offensive of the conflict so far came earlier this month in a region held by a significantly lighter contingent of Russian and allied troops, and Kiev’s forces likely face far tougher challenges in the coming months, after Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the mobilization of 300,000 reservists on Wednesday. Further complicating matters is Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky’s pledge to capture the Russian territory of Crimea, as well as the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics. The two Donbass republics will vote this week on joining the Russian Federation, with similar referendums being held in the Russian-controlled regions of Zaporozhye and Kherson. Crimea voted in 2014 to rejoin Russia. LINK

39. Moscow and Kiev should resume dialogue “without preconditions” or assuming an outcome, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on Thursday during a UN Security Council session on Ukraine. In line with China’s “consistent and clear”neutral position on the Ukrainian conflict, the minister reiterated that the sovereignty and territorial integrity of every state should be respected, and the security concerns of all the parties taken seriously. The only way out of the conflict is through “dialogue and negotiations,” Wang said. LINK



In a nutshell, the reform path of transforming Hong Kong from a frontline base for external anti-China infiltration into the first external fortress for the defense of mainland China is the right overall direction of development. The Russian-Chinese relationship is a central driver of global multilateralization and the trend toward independent diplomacy/trade and economic autonomy for all countries. The key to the future of the human world lies in the trend of Russian-Chinese relations. Hong Kong, and especially the Hong Kong media, should not continue to be a platform for internal and external reactionary forces to infiltrate.


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