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Hong Kong Intelligence Report #86 避風港風暴:俄國利用香港製造了中美衝突

Writer's picture: Ryota Nakanishi Ryota Nakanishi

Updated: Jan 4, 2024

Open-source intelligence (OSINT)

Hong Kong Intelligence Report #86 避風港風暴:俄國利用香港製造了中美衝突
FILE PHOTO: We Stand with Ukraine © Envato

IMPORTANT 【重要】中美衝突


As expected, the Russian-created haven storm continues to worsen. The 'sanction haven' storm is in fact part of the Russia-Ukraine conflict because it is a political plot by the Russians to use Hong Kong to create a new Sino-American conflict in order to change the Chinese side's position on the Russia-Ukraine war. A few distinctive features are as follows:


2.2022年10月11日彭博報導:位於中環交易廣場內的ONC柯伍陳律師事務所(ONC Lawyers)主管合夥人甄灼寧(Sherman Yan)表示,包括國企在內的許多俄羅斯大公司正在尋求與香港律師事務所合作,協助他們落腳在比紐約、倫敦等地「更友善」的司法管轄區。(HK law firms fielding inquiries from Russian firms on business)美國觀看3天後,在10月8日才正式回應了諾德停泊香港一事,然後又花3天才發布了該律師行透露的狀況。這顯示了美國的情報網超越香港本身的能力,連本地律師行的動向也可以掌握。這些時差表明這整個避風港風暴不是美方主要製造的。美國在避風港風暴上當初是被動的,被俄羅斯勾引的。甚至,後來最多細節消息是由美方積極調查並揭開的。俄方一再隱瞞和保持沈默是為了不給主事者的印象。

3.HK01在2022年10月10日報導:俄羅斯駐港總領事館總領事薩基托福(Igor I. Sagitov)證實,在超級遊艇Nord抵港之前,館方已提前接獲通知。不過,在俄烏戰事中一直默不做聲的無能總領事薩基托福比任何一方早知9月28日毫無必要地離開海參崴 (Vladivostok)而前往香港的諾德動向。這也表明俄國外交部也理所當然地策劃了整個避風港風暴,美國的反應早就在計算之內。正如任何俄羅斯外交官,薩基托福也漠視當地民眾恐遭受的風險,因此事前並無向社會解釋諾德一事。

4.俄國情報機構(SVR/FSB)控制的俄羅斯國營媒體都從10月5日諾德抵港前後至今都一直集體保持沈默。這是有其政治意圖的證據。那麼,何時俄羅斯國營媒體打破集體沈默? 那就是中國政府開始積極與美方爭吵的時候,也就是避風港風暴進一步激化的時刻,TASS(LINK), RT(LINK)和Sputnik (LINK)等都將會以「聲援中方」的姿態開始報導諾德及整個避風港風暴。這叫做賊喊捉賊。中方需要自覺這個俄方公關策略。



1.In reality, it is well known that Hong Kong's financial sector is under US sanctions (HK01 reported on October 11, 2022 that the US had imposed sanctions on a large number of key officials of the SAR government since the middle of the previous year, and former Chief Executive Carrie Lam had revealed that due to the sanctions, she could not use banking services and could only use cash transactions and payroll), and Hong Kong is highly dependent on the US financial system. Therefore, it is extremely stupid and illogical for Russian oligarchs to use Hong Kong as a safe haven. It may even lead to secondary sanctions in all directions. This also explains the fact that so called safe haven is just a narrative and that creating conflicts between the United States and China is Russia's political goal. The best way for Russia to change China's neutral stance on the Russia-Ukraine war is to create a new Sino-American conflict. For this reason, Hong Kong, where national security is the weakest, where the poor are bullied and the rich are feared, and where political incompetence is the greatest, is the ideal stage.

2.Bloomberg reported on Oct. 11, 2022, that Sherman Yan, managing partner of ONC Lawyers in Central's Exchange Square, said many major Russian companies, including state-owned enterprises, are seeking to work with Hong Kong law firms to help them settle in "friendlier" jurisdictions than New York and London. (HK law firms fielding inquiries from Russian firms on business) The U.S. had watched for three days before formally responding to mooring of NORD in Hong Kong on Oct. 8, and then took three more days to release the law firm's disclosure of the situation. This demonstrates the ability of the U.S. intelligence network to go beyond Hong Kong itself and to grasp even the movements of local law firms. These time lags suggest that the entire storm was not primarily created by the U.S. side. The U.S. was initially passive in the haven storm, seduced by Russia. Even the most detailed information was later actively investigated and uncovered by the U.S. side. The Russian side repeatedly concealed and remained silent in order not to give the impression of the principals.

3.HK01 reported on October 10, 2022 that Igor I. Sagitov, Consul General of the Russian Consulate General in Hong Kong, confirmed that the consulate had been notified in advance of the arrival of the super-yacht Nord. However, the incompetent Consul General Sagitov, who has been silent during the Russian-Ukrainian war, knew before any other party about the unnecessary departure of Nord from Vladivostok to Hong Kong on September 28. This also shows that the Russian Foreign Ministry also planned the whole storm as a matter of course, and the U.S. reaction was already in the calculation. Like any Russian diplomat, Sagitov ignored the risk to the local population and therefore did not explain the Nord issue to the community beforehand.

4.The Russian state media, controlled by the Russian intelligence agency (SVR/FSB), have been collectively silent since before and after arrival of Nord in Hong Kong on October 5. This is evidence of political intent. So, when did the Russian state media break their collective silence? That's when the Chinese government will have begun to actively quarrel with the U.S. side, and that's when the storm in the haven further intensified, TASS, RT and Sputnik will start to report on the Nord and the whole haven storm as "solidarity with the Chinese side". This is called a thief calling out to catch a thief. The Chinese side needs to be aware of this Russian PR strategy.

5.What is the difference between ordinary police and national security/intelligence units? Hong Kong's national security unit is still just an extension of the ordinary police service. Hindsight. The political idiots in the Marine Department did not do any risk assessment. Even the ongoing heaven storm showed that even the Hong Kong national security units themselves (including the NSD and the CPGNSO) did not even do a political risk assessment on NORD before the Marine Department approved it. Hindsight, always wait until someone breaks the law or an incident occurs or the situation develops to an unmanageable level before taking passive action (a typical police mode of operation during the anti-amendment bill storm of 2019; have you learned a lesson?) This is not the job of an intelligence agency. A real intelligence agency is interdepartmental, anticipating political risk, preventing political risk, trying to control it once it occurs, and reducing it to zero. And then, continue to maintain a zero-risk society. This is the fundamental difference between ordinary police and intelligence agencies. The heaven storm showed that Hong Kong still lacks a professional intelligence agency. Admittedly, this is far worse than in the UK and the US. Another important point is that British and American intelligence agencies do a good job of monitoring and assessing the risks even from their own allies, which is quite normal and comprehensive. However, Hong Kong, China, only looks at the enemy and not at the risks posed by the 'allies' themselves. This is also a child's disease of the national security unit. As far as intelligence agencies in general are concerned, once a social incident breaks out, it is a failure. So which side was the most successful in the safe haven storm? That would be Russia, followed by the United States. Hong Kong's national security units were unsuccessful in stopping the haven storm, which was largely planned and created by the Russians. As a result, the economic livelihood of the average Hong Kong citizen, who always suffers the most from the consequences of missteps, was plunged back into the perilous situation created by the new Sino-American conflict. It is sufficient to conclude that the British and American intelligence agencies have not overestimated Hong Kong's own intelligence capabilities.

6.The Central Government responded in a low-key manner on October 9, 2022, by the Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Central Government. That is, the Marine Department of the HKSAR Government has responded to the issue. That's all. Obviously, it does not want to fan the flames. Although the outbreak of the storm itself means that the Russians have succeeded in creating a new Sino-American conflict in Hong Kong, the final victory for the Russians is not yet decided. It was even highly unlikely that the Russians would succeed in their attempt. Then, on October 10-12, the overbearing Russians committed an undeniable war crime in the Russia-Ukraine war by resorting to terrorist tactics that shook the world, i.e., by deliberately destroying 28 energy (civilian) facilities in Ukraine. As a result, China's neutral position has been reinforced. The current highly understated response of the Chinese Foreign Ministry and the Chinese position statement on the Russian-Ukrainian war show that the storm in the safe haven will never develop to the extent that it will change China's firm position on the Russian-Ukrainian war.

NEWS 【事實關係】

Russian companies shut out of Western financial capitals are exploring Hong Kong as an alternative, stoking concern among US officials that the Asian hub will become a haven for businesses sanctioned over the war in Ukraine.



近日,有媒體就美國務院發言人借有關問題抹黑唱衰香港營商環境事問詢我署,公署發言人表示: 香港特區政府海事處已就有關問題作出回應。 多年來,香港始終保持自由開放法治的營商環境,被多家國際機構評選為全球最自由的經濟體和最具競爭力的地區之一。香港國際金融中心的聲譽和地位世所公認,不容抹黑詆毀。













被歐美等國制裁的俄羅斯富豪莫爾達紹夫(Alexei Mordashov),名下價值40.6億港元超級遊艇由本月5日起停泊在香港水域。此舉隨即引來美國的蠻橫威嚇,美國國務院警告香港勿被利用作為「逃避制裁」的避風港,又指如不就事件採取行動,將令人懷疑香港營商環境的透明度云云。特區政府回應時強調,不會實施其他司法管轄區施加的單方面制裁。對於美國的霸道態度和港府的做法,中大劉佐德全球經濟及金融研究所常務所長莊太量怎麼看?


沈旭暉引述英國智庫「皇家國際事務研究所」(The Royal Institute of International Affairs)專家分析指,俄羅斯富豪在幾個月內將他們的資本已驚人的方式轉移到香港。當俄羅斯被全球制裁,俄羅斯富豪已經無可能在紐約、倫敦等國家「走錢、洗錢」,而香港有港英時期遺留下來的基建,比開曼群島、英屬維京群島(BVI)等「洗錢天堂」吸引。

沈旭暉亦引述美國智庫「哈德遜研究所」(Hudson Institute)高級研究員分析指,香港會成為俄羅斯富豪眼中的「倫敦替代品」,因為香港擁有結算自動轉帳系統服務,可以處理幾十億美元的交易,不一定要涉及美國銀行系統,避過西方注視。

28處能源設施被毀 總理籲減少用電過冬

俄羅斯近日加強攻擊烏克蘭平民設施 美國指俄方干犯戰爭罪行



俄羅斯富豪莫爾達紹夫擁有的超級遊艇,正停泊在青衣對開海面。他被指是俄羅斯總統普京盟友,遭歐美制裁,其遊艇在香港停泊,引起關注。 這艘名為「Nord」的超級遊艇,本月五日駛入本港水域,根據本港海事條例,所有外來遊艇必須符合海事處的規定。 訪港遊艇或遊樂船的船長或船東,必須在船隻進入香港水域最少24小時前,向海事處船隻航行監察中心提交申請。到港後須向海事處提交船員名單,以及上一個停靠港當局簽發的出港證等。 如果船隻需要在香港水域航行或參與賽事,就要出示有效的第三者風險保險單,保額最少500萬港元。訪港遊艇若在連續365天的期間內,停留在香港水域超過182天,就必須申領牌照。 訪港遊艇須申領出港證才可以離開,到達目的地後亦要提供到達通知書,但駛往公海、澳門或鄰近香港的內地沿岸港口,就可以豁免。

俄烏爆發衝突後,俄羅斯多名與普京有關的富豪接連被西方制裁,歐洲各國也扣押了多艘俄羅斯遊艇。普京好友、鋼鐵大亨莫爾達紹夫(Alexey Mordashov)的豪華遊艇上周停靠香港,美國警告對其提供避風港將損害香港作為金融中心的聲譽。而更加引發美國官員憂慮的是,俄羅斯企業近日傳出正接連尋求香港作為替代方案,認為香港可能成為俄羅斯企業躲制裁的避風港。彭博報道,香港ONC柯伍陳律師事務所主管合夥人甄灼寧(Sherman Yan)表示,包括國企在內的許多俄羅斯大公司正在尋求與香港律師事務所合作,協助他們落腳在比紐約、倫敦等地「更友善」的司法管轄區。

知情人士透露,俄羅斯企業也與至少兩家香港律所接觸,其中一些公司詢問了在當地籌資的相關事項。甄灼寧表示,俄羅斯企業對於將某些活動轉移到香港的興趣肯定在增加,自家的律師事務所已與俄羅斯客戶初步討論。甄灼寧補充,有些人正尋求將註冊地改為香港,同時保留在俄羅斯本土的業務營運。隨著衝突升級,香港將能夠為俄企提供一個通往外資的窗口。但考慮到「次級制裁」(Secondary Sanction)的潛在威脅,香港的銀行和會計師是否願意和俄羅斯公司合作仍存疑。美國務院發言人聲明,香港作為金融中心的聲譽,將取決於是否遵守國際法規和標準,為逃避多個司法管轄區的制裁,部份人士可能將香港當作避風港,這種情況讓人進一步質疑當地商業環境的透明度。香港金管局發言人表示,根據香港法律,銀行沒有義務實施外國政府的單方面制裁,將由銀行自行評估這類風險,並公平對待客戶。金管局數據顯示,截至6月底,香港銀行對俄羅斯的風險承擔僅8億元,低於2月底的26億元。

港媒10月10日獲悉,俄羅斯駐港總領事館總領事薩基托福(Igor I. Sagitov)證實,在超級遊艇Nord抵港之前,館方已提前接獲通知。


China has conspicuously not condemned the invasion of Ukraine, and said it has a “no-limits” relationship with Russia.

A spokesperson for Mordashov told Bloomberg News this week that the billionaire was in Moscow and declined to comment on the yacht’s movements.

The Nord — which boasts two helipads, a cinema and more than a dozen luxury cabins — switched its flag from the Cayman Islands to Russia in June.

It was anchored in the eastern Russian port of Vladivostok before making its way to Hong Kong.

Russia’s top envoy in city says he ‘fully agrees’ with decision by Hong Kong Marine Department to refrain from implementing sanctions issued by third country.

Washington and Beijing have locked horns over superyacht’s arrival, with US saying Hong Kong’s reputation is at stake.

Russian envoys in Hong Kong received advanced notice regarding the arrival of a superyacht linked to a sanctioned oligarch in the city’s waters, the Post learned on Monday.

Igor Sagitov, consul general of the Russian Federation in Hong Kong, confirmed the consulate had been aware in advance of superyacht Nord’s arrival. The vessel is believed to be owned by Alexei Mordashov, a steel and mining tycoon considered an ally of the country’s president, Vladimir Putin.

The oligarch was sanctioned by the European Union, Britain and the United States following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February.


這艘遊艇名為諾德(Nord)號,全長465英尺,為鋼鐵大亨Alexey Mordashov所有。據來自MarineTraffic網站的資訊,諾德號遊艇上周從俄羅斯遠東城市符拉迪沃斯托克出發後,停泊在了香港維多利亞港的西部。



據美國彭博社報道,有俄羅斯公司考慮以香港作為迴避西方制裁的避風港,引起美國官員的擔憂。報道引述香港 ONC 柯伍陳律師事務所主管合伙人甄灼寧表示,包括國有企業在內的一些俄羅斯大型公司正尋求與香港律師事務所合作,期望在進入香港上得到幫助。甄灼寧提到,這些俄羅斯公司希望香港是比紐約、倫敦等地更「友好的司法管轄區」。




就在上週三(5日),受美歐多國制裁的俄羅斯寡頭富豪莫達索夫(Alexey Mordashov)所擁有的巨型遊艇 Nord 進入香港水域。港府海事處當日回覆傳媒查詢,稱一直全面實施及執行聯合國安全理事會所施加的制裁,但有個別國家或基於自身考慮而向某些地方施加單方面制裁,港府無權、也不會實施相關的單方面制裁。


報道引述香港中文大學法律學院助理教授穆秋瑞(Ryan Mitchell)指出,假如香港被廣泛視為受制裁的俄羅斯公司或個人的熱門目的地,香港所面臨的風險將會大大增加。他警告,位於香港的公司或個人若與受制裁對象進行貿易往來,或面臨二級制裁。

🤔The Russians are already seeing how "greatly Putin was wrong" So says the head of the British intelligence service, Jeremy Fleming. According to him, Ukraine is turning the tide in the war against exhausted Russian forces, and despite yesterday's missile strikes across Ukraine, Moscow is running out of ammunition. “In the absence of effective internal challenges, his decision-making process proved flawed. This is a high stakes strategy that leads to strategic mistakes. The Russians see how badly Putin was mistaken in assessing the situation,” Fleming said.


華府︰若香港成制裁避風港 將影響金融中心地位



避風港風暴是由俄國情報機構,外交部以及Alexey Mordashov聯手利用香港製造的新中美衝突。其目的在以激化中美衝突來改變中方在俄烏戰事上的中立立場。重點是香港金融界高度依存美國以及實施美國制裁,因此把香港當作避風港是不合邏輯的蠢事。甚至,10月10-12日的俄國恐怖主義行動更進一步鞏固了中方中立立場。

The 'sanction heaven' quarrel is a new Sino-American conflict created by the Russian intelligence agency, the Foreign Ministry, and Alexey Mordashov, using Hong Kong. The aim is to intensify the conflict in order to change China's neutral position on the war between Russia and Ukraine. The point is that Hong Kong's financial sector is highly dependent on the United States and the imposition of U.S. sanctions, so it is illogical and foolish to use Hong Kong as a safe haven. Even more, the Russian terrorism of October 10-12 further reinforced China's neutrality.


Hong Kong Intelligence Report #86 避風港風暴:俄國利用香港製造了中美衝突

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