Open-source intelligence (OSINT)

IMPORTANT 【重要】Russian Propaganda
Key point: Defining Abe as a patriot is tantamount to calling pro-Russians in Japan traitors. This is beyond the proper scope of diplomatic condolences. It is tantamount to insult. This is because the majority of pro-Russians in Japan are anti-Abe.
The Russian Foreign Ministry ignores the fact that there is no political force in Japan that is pro-Russian and pro-Abe simultaneously.
Those that do exist are the LDP forces that are anti-Russian / pro-Abe supporters, or opposition parties that pro-Russian / anti-Abe, or anti-Russian / anti-Abe forces. The true pro-Russian forces are the minority of the few.
If Abe was a patriot, then all US proxies are patriots. All pro-Russian groups in Japan are anti-Abe, which means they are all traitors.
Russia's "Abe was great" campaign -Russian Propaganda- was only used to promote support for the LDP as it was on July 10, 2022, not to convert LDP supporters to pro-Russian.
Galuzin should know about domestic politics in Japan. Russia should not push the limits of diplomacy any further with its "Abe was great" campaign.
Diplomacy is only one aspect of things, not all aspects. The perspective of domestic issues is lacking in terms of diplomacy.
If Abe's neoliberalism was a good policy, then Russia's anti-neoliberal attitude is suspect.
In any case, it is the opinion of pro-Russian groups who know Japanese domestic politics that no more "Abe was great" campaigns should be carried out with flamboyance, ignoring the peculiarities of Japan's domestic situation.
NEWS 【事實關係】
ロシア側の反応 Reactions from the Russian side:
Vasily Pushkov, a Japan researcher and head of the International Cooperation Bureau of Russia's international news agency Russia Sevodnya (Russia Today), said he could not believe the attack on former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, which will leave a mark on Japan-Russia relations.
The expert stressed that "the incident that took place today in Nara Prefecture is out of the ordinary in any country in the world," and said he simply cannot believe that such an event could take place in Japan.
We extend our deepest sympathies to all the people of Japan, because former Prime Minister Abe was, above all, a true patriot of Japan. He always defended his country's interests and chose to do so at the negotiating table."
We are disturbed by the news of the brutal murder of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. He was a world-class politician with a strong stomach. Mr. Abe focused on Japan's national interests and won a lot in constructive relations with Russia.
Russian Ambassador to Japan Mikhail Galuzin said the following on Russian state television.
Mr. Abe, a strategic thinker and visionary national leader, has always been a true patriot of Japan, understanding the good neighborly relations between Russia and Japan, and has done much for their development."
選挙結果 Election Result:
10 日投開票の参院選で、憲法改正論議に前向きな「改憲勢力」の獲得議席が、非改選を合わせて166に到達した。166は国会発議に必要な総議員の3分の2のラインに相当する。
In the House of Councillors election held on July 10, the number of seats won by the "constitutional reform forces" who are willing to discuss constitutional revision reached 166, including non-elected seats. 166 is equivalent to two-thirds of the total number of seats required for a motion to be proposed in the Diet.
The Liberal Democratic Party, which has been focusing on the inclusion of the Self-Defense Forces in Article 9 and the establishment of a new emergency clause, claims to have gained recent public support and is aiming to advance the debate. The Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan, however, insists that constitutional change is not its top priority. Even among the parties that are pushing for constitutional change, there is a divide over individual issues. Agreement between the ruling and opposition parties is unlikely.
The constitutional reform forces include the Liberal Democratic Party, Kōmeitō, Japan Restoration Party, and the National Democratic Party of Japan. Prime Minister Fumio Kishida has pointed out that the four items in the party's constitutional revision plan, including the inclusion of the Self-Defense Forces in Article 9, are "extremely contemporary issues.
日本国内政治の実相 The Reality of Domestic Politics in Japan
安倍晋三の外交政策 Shinzo Abe's Foreign Policy:
The argument for the return of the four Kuril Islands (Northern Territories) remains unchanged.
新自由主義のアベノミクス Neoliberal Abenomics:
From the January-March 2013 period after the second Abe Cabinet was formed, the average growth rate in the proposed July-September 2021 period is 0.6%.
In the first place, raising the inflation rate is not a measure for the benefit of consumers.
The reason why they sought an increase in the inflation rate was because it would allow companies to lower real wages by the amount of inflation.
The "growth strategy" included "liberalization of agriculture," "liberalization of healthcare," "elimination of labor regulations," "corporate tax cuts," and "reduction of public works expenditures''.
Real wages per capita declined by 6% over the eight-year period from 2012 to 2020. Japan has become the worst wage-declining country in the world.
Japan has become the world's worst wage declining country.
以上、この様に日本を破壊した売国奴の安倍を愛国者というのは、日本の親露派への侮蔑と裏切りである。 もう少し、日本の国内政治をしっかり把握してから発言するべきであり、外国人であるロシア人どもに安倍が愛国者か否かを判断する資格は毛頭ない。それは、日本国民自身にしかない。
To call Abe, a traitor who has destroyed Japan in this way, a patriot is an insult and betrayal of Japan's pro-Russian community. The Russian bureaucrats should have a better grasp of Japan's domestic politics before making such a statement.
Only the Japanese people themselves are qualified to judge whether Abe was a patriot or not. Russians have no rights to judge it.

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