Book Review: Fighting Terrorism: How Democracies Can Defeat Domestic and International Terrorists
A Comprehensive Book Review: Jews, God and History by Max Dimont
Hong Kong Intelligence Report #130:🇩🇪🇮🇱 德國作家赫塔·米勒的公開信批判全球反猶太主義猖獗
A Comprehensive Book Review: Bibi: My Story (2022) by Benjamin Netanyahu
Hong Kong Intelligence Report #127 反猶太主義危害國家安全和香港本地社會穩定 Anti-Semitism jeopardizes National Security and the Stability of the Local Community in Hong Kong
Book Review: The Jewish State: Theodor Herzl's Vision and Israel's Reality
Hong Kong Intelligence Report #120 2023 年以色列—哈馬斯戰爭: 常見問題 Hamas-Israel Conflict 2023: Frequently Asked Questions (Chinese)
Hong Kong Intelligence Report #114 哈瑪斯恐怖主義與知情交易/Hamas Terror & Informed Trade
Hong Kong Intelligence Report #112 以巴衝突和俄烏戰爭的相互作用和政治意義
Hong Kong Intelligence Report #110 以色列的目的是剿除統治巴勒斯坦的恐怖主義組織
Hong Kong Intelligence Report #107 以巴衝突的真歷史知識克服反猶太主義