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香港労働 Hong Kong Labor Issues #27 日本人のための香港労働問題研究:休日、公休、年休など休日概念の混同

Updated: Aug 5

香港労働 Hong Kong Labor Issues
FILE PHOTO: Holidays © WiX


一般的なネガティブな意味での欠勤(許可有無に限らず)、労働休日(holiday)と公衆休暇(public holiday)と年休(annual leave)の相互の違いとは何か?法定休日(statutory holiday)とは何か? 



しかし、この種の法定休日が有給か否かは条例で規定されていない。ここでもtabula rasa、つまりそれ以外は存在しない。書いてなければないというだけである。


公衆休暇条例 (General Holidays Ordinance)




In this Ordinance, unless the context otherwise requires—

general holiday (公眾假期) means a day which, subject to the provisions of sections 4 and 7, shall be kept as a holiday by all banks, educational establishments, public offices and Government departments.

(Amended 19 of 1967 s. 3)




法定休暇(statutory holiday)は、雇用条例第39条で規定された有給の法的に定められた休日であり、これの賦与は雇用者側の義務である。香港で法的に規定された休日には、二大分別があり、一つがこの法定休日である。法定休日は年間合計12日間ある。有給休暇としてこの12日間を享受できるのは、法的には勤務してから満3ヶ月から(試用期間と関係ない)となっているが、実際の処理の仕方は各企業の就業規則により、勤務開始してからすぐにこれらを享受できる仕組みにしているマシな企業もある。法定と実際の各企業の従業規則を照らし合わせていく観点が必要。


Grant of holidays


Subject to subsections (1A), (2) and (3), an employee shall be granted a statutory holiday by his employer on each of the following days*—

(Amended 137 of 1997 s. 3)


Lunar New Year’s Day or, if that day falls on a Sunday, then the fourth day of Lunar New Year;

(Amended 27 of 1982 s. 2; 23 of 2011 s. 5)


the second day of Lunar New Year or, if that day falls on a Sunday, then the fourth day of Lunar New Year;

(Amended 23 of 2011 s. 5)


the third day of Lunar New Year or, if that day falls on a Sunday, then the fourth day of Lunar New Year;

(Amended 23 of 2011 s. 5)


Ching Ming (清明) Festival;


Labour Day, being the first day of May;

(Added 100 of 1997 s. 2. Amended 35 of 1998 s. 5)


Tuen Ng (端午) Festival;

(Amended 35 of 1998 s. 5)


the day following the Chinese Mid-Autumn (中秋) Festival or, if that day falls on a Sunday, then the second day following that Festival;

(Amended 27 of 1982 s. 2; 23 of 2011 s. 5)



the Chung Yeung (重陽) Festival;


the Chinese Winter Solstice Festival (冬節) or Christmas Day, at the option of the employer;


the first day of January;

(Replaced 53 of 1976 s. 2)


Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Establishment Day, being the first day of July; and

(Added 137 of 1997 s. 3. Amended 35 of 1998 s. 5)


National Day, being the first day of October.

(Added 137 of 1997 s. 3. Amended 35 of 1998 s. 5)





公衆暇期と中国語で呼ばれるが、この公休(general holidays; public holidays)は、公衆暇期条例(香港法例第149条)の付則で規定されている年間合計17日間が該当する。これは、銀行休暇とも言われる。

General Holidays


every Sunday;


the first day of January (or if that day is a Sunday, then the following day);


Lunar New Year’s Day (or if that day is a Sunday, then the fourth day of Lunar New Year);

(Amended 23 of 2011 s. 3)


the second day of Lunar New Year (or if that day is a Sunday, then the fourth day of Lunar New Year);

(Amended 23 of 2011 s. 3)


the third day of Lunar New Year (or if that day is a Sunday, then the fourth day of Lunar New Year);

(Amended 23 of 2011 s. 3)


Ching Ming Festival (or if that day is a Sunday, then the following day);


Good Friday;


the day following Good Friday;


Easter Monday;


Labour Day, being the first day of May (or if that day is a Sunday, then the following day);


the Birthday of the Buddha, being the eighth day of the fourth lunar month (or if that day is a Sunday, then the following day);


Tuen Ng Festival (or if that day is a Sunday, then the following day);


Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Establishment Day, being the first day of July (or if that day is a Sunday, then the following day);


National Day, being the first day of October (or if that day is a Sunday, then the following day);


the day following the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival (or if that day is a Sunday, then the second day following that Festival) or such other day as the Chief Executive in Council may, by order in the Gazette, appoint in place of that day;

(Amended 23 of 2011 s. 3)


Chung Yeung Festival (or if that day is a Sunday, then the following day) or such other day as the Chief Executive in Council may, by order in the Gazette, appoint in place of that day;


Christmas Day (or if that day is a Sunday, then the second weekday after Christmas Day);


the first weekday after Christmas Day.

(Replaced 35 of 1998 s. 4)
















Payment of holiday pay

Subject to section 12(11), an employee who has been employed by his employer under a continuous contract for a period of 3 months immediately preceding a statutory holiday shall, not later than the day on which the employee is next paid his wages after that holiday, be paid by his employer holiday pay at the rate specified in section 41, whether the employee takes a holiday on the statutory holiday or on an alternative or substituted holiday or a holiday under section 39(4).

(Amended 53 of 1976 s. 3; 71 of 1976 s. 6; 48 of 1984 s. 17)






このように、雇用契約書に明記されていない場合は、逆に労働者もそれを利用して、その長年休暇賃金計算で行われている方法は、暗示条項(implied term)であるとして主張することができる。





Rate of holiday pay


For the purposes of subsections (2), (3) and (4),

wages (工資) includes any sum paid by an employer in respect of—


a day of maternity leave, a day of paternity leave, a rest day, a sickness day, a holiday or a day of annual leave taken by the employee;

(Amended 21 of 2014 s. 11)


a day of leave taken by the employee with the agreement of his employer;


a normal working day on which the employee is not provided with work;


a day of absence from work of the employee due to temporary incapacity for which compensation is payable under section 10 of the Employees’ Compensation Ordinance (Cap. 282).


The daily rate of holiday pay is a sum equivalent to the daily average of the wages earned by the employee during—


the period of 12 months immediately before the holiday or first day of the holidays (as appropriate); or


if the employee has been employed by the employer concerned for a period shorter than 12 months immediately before the holiday or first day of the holidays (as appropriate), the shorter period.


In calculating the daily average of the wages earned by an employee during the period of 12 months or the shorter period—


any period therein for which the employee was not paid his wages or full wages by reason of—


any maternity leave, paternity leave, rest day, sickness day, holiday or annual leave taken by the employee;

(Amended 21 of 2014 s. 11)


any leave taken by the employee with the agreement of his employer;


his not being provided by his employer with work on any normal working day; or


his absence from work due to temporary incapacity for which compensation is payable under section 10 of the Employees’ Compensation Ordinance (Cap. 282); and


any wages paid to him for the period referred to in paragraph (a),

are to be disregarded.


For the avoidance of doubt, if the amount of the wages paid to an employee in respect of a day specified in subsection (1) is only a fraction of the amount earned by the employee on a normal working day, the wages and the day are to be disregarded in accordance with subsection (3).


Despite subsection (2), if for any reason it is impracticable to calculate the daily average of the wages earned by an employee in the manner provided in that subsection, the amount may be calculated by reference to the wages earned by a person who was employed at the same work by the same employer during the period of 12 months immediately before the employee’s holiday or first day of the holidays (as appropriate), or, if there is no such person, by a person who was employed in the same trade or occupation and at the same work in the same district during the period of 12 months immediately before the employee’s holiday or first day of the holidays (as appropriate).


If, pursuant to the terms of his contract of employment or any other agreement or for any other reason, an employee is paid by his employer a sum of money in respect of a holiday taken by him, the holiday pay payable to the employee in respect of that holiday is to be reduced by the sum.

(Replaced 7 of 2007 s. 12)



一般的に残業代はこの計算に含まれない。雇用条例第2(2)条では、残業代が契約で固定のもの(constant character)であるか、12ヶ月以内に残業代が平均賃金の20%を超えている場合でないと、この賃金計算に含まれない。


No account of overtime pay shall be taken in calculating the wages of an employee for the purpose of—


any end of year payment under Part IIA;


any maternity leave pay under Part III;


any paternity leave pay under Part IIIA;

(Added 21 of 2014 s. 3)


any severance payment under Part VA;


any long service payment under Part VB;

(Added 76 of 1985 s. 2)


any sickness allowance under Part VII;


any holiday pay under Part VIII; or


any annual leave pay under Part VIIIA,

unless the overtime pay is of a constant character or the monthly average of the overtime pay over a period of 12 months (or if not applicable, such shorter period of employment) immediately preceding the respective dates specified in subsections (2A) and (2B) is equivalent to or exceeds 20% of his average monthly wages during the same period.

(Added 48 of 1984 s. 2. Amended 74 of 1997 s. 3)




3、有給休暇の賃金から当該月給の平均賃金を控除できるか? (欠勤控除



また、年休(annual leaves) とは、旧正月の初1から初3までの旧正月期間を指していない、全く別の概念である。


1. EMPLOYMENT ORDINANCE, CHAPTER 39 Accessed June 25, 2018.











5.第338章 《小額錢債審裁處條例》


7.Cap. 149 General Holidays Ordinance







This series of articles about HK labor issues is written by Japanese due to supporting Japanese workers in Hong Kong where differs from Japanese working environment. Moreover, there is no labor consultant for Japanese workers in Hong Kong while facing blood sucking Japanese recruit agents and overseas Japanese 'Black Kigyo' (Evil Companies).  

Any part of this report may be disseminated without permission, provided attribution to Ryota Nakanishi as author and a link to is provided.


香港労働 Hong Kong Labor Issues
Ryota Nakanishi's Hong Kong labor law knowledge was qualified by professional examination by HKFTU in 2019.
Ryota Nakanishi's Hong Kong labor law knowledge was qualified by professional examination by HKFTU in 2019.
Ryota Nakanishi's Hong Kong labor law knowledge was qualified by professional examination by HKFTU in 2019.


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