Open-source intelligence (OSINT)
a.Unlike official narrative of local media, sudden removal of those ''Tiananmen Massacre'' statues and relief from HKU, CUHK and LN/LU on December 22-24, 2021 was a reciprocal action to CCP's bureaucratic appraisal on the official work report of Carrie Lam (December 22, 2021) by the vested interests who run those universities as executives (Carrie Lam herself is a chancellor of HKU).
SAR government in supervisory or main board of HKU:Lam Cheng, Carrie Yuet Ngor 林鄭月娥
NPC in supervisory or main board of HKU: Ma, Wei Hua 馬蔚華
CCPCC in supervisory or main board of HKU: Fung, Victor Kwok King 馮國經 ; Li, Arthur Kwok Cheung 李國章 ; Wong, Peter King Keung 黃景強
EC or other statutory bodies in supervisory or main board of HKU: Chan, Adriel Wenbwo 陳文博 ; Cheng, Moses Mo Chi 鄭慕智 ; Cheng, Vincent Wing Shun 鄭泳舜 ; Cheung, Horace Kwok Kwan 張國鈞 ; Choi, Karson Ka Tsan 蔡加讚 ; Ip Lau, Regina Suk Yee 葉劉淑儀 ; Kwan, Edgar Chi Ping 關治平 ; Lau, Chun Hung (SAB) 劉振鴻 ; Lee, Yi Ying (principal) 李伊瑩 ; Leong, Edward Che Hung 梁智鴻 ; Lo, Amy Choi Wan 盧彩雲 ; Ng, Jimmy Wing Ka 吳永嘉 ; Poon, Frederick Siu Chi 潘紹慈 ; Tam, Kazaf Chun Kwok 譚鎮國 ; Tsang, Jasper Yok Sing 曾鈺成 ; Wong, Ernest Yiu Kit 黃耀傑 ; Yang, Ti Liang 楊鐵樑 ; Chan, Vivien 陳韻雲 ; Chiu, Jason Felix Tsz Kiu 趙子翹 ; Holliday, Ian Michael (HKU) 何立仁 ; Lau Macpherson, Ayesha Abbas 劉麥嘉軒 ; Li, Charles Xiaojia 李小加 ; Liao Wong, Priscilla Pui Sze 王沛詩 ; Lo, Steve Chit Ki 羅哲基; Stevenson, Thomas Brian 施文信 ; Zhao, John Huan 趙令歡
Developers in supervisory or main board of HKU: Cheung, Vincent Sai Sing 張世成 ; Fung, Andrew Hau Chung 馮孝忠 ; Harilela, Aron Hari 夏雅朗 ; Ho, Pansy Catilina Chiu King 何超瓊 ; Kuok, Khoon Hua 郭孔華 ; Li, David Kwok Po 李國寶 ; Mong, David Tak Yeung 蒙德揚 ; Chen, Edward Kwan Yiu 陳坤耀 ; Leung Ko, Margaret May Yee 梁高美懿 ; Li, Arthur Kwok Cheung 李國章 ; Ng, Daryl Win Kong 黃永光 ; Wong, Richard Yue Chim 王于漸 ;
Cross membership between universities: Cheng Yu, Jennifer Ngar Wing 鄭余雅穎 ; Ho, Pansy Catilina Chiu King 何超瓊 ; Li, Kenneth Benjamin 李本俊 ; Shek, Abraham Lai Him 石禮謙 ; Li, Arthur Kwok Cheung 李國章
c. Pillar of Shame had been exhibited in HKU from December 1998 to December 22, 2021. The 'pro-establishment'-occupied supervisory / main board of HKU could have removed it anytime. Why they didn't? At least during July 30, 2021 when the first scandal broke out (the first official report at Hong Kong Police Headquarters for violation of HKNSL) and December 22, 2021. The point is the timing of removal. It tells everything.
Simply CCP bureaucratically praised their management of the city on December 22, 2021 then they gave CCP the gift in return. It means that if Xi Jinping criticised their mismanagement of the city, those statues and relief could have still been there. In other words, they think they are doing some kind of diplomacy (political game) as ''dual-power.''
SAR government in supervisory or main board of CUHK:Ho, Jonathan Kai Ming 何啟明
NPC in supervisory or main board of CUHK:Lee, Vincent Marshall Kwan Ho 李君豪
CCPCC in supervisory or main board of CUHK:Chan, Kam Lam 陳鑑林 ; Fung, William Kwok Lun 馮國綸 ; Lee, Hon Chiu (1929) 利漢釗 ;
EC or other statutory bodies in supervisory or main board of CUHK:Chan, Kelly Yuen Sau 陳遠秀; Chan, Wai Yee (Prof, CUHK) 陳偉儀 ; Cheng, Paul Ming Fun 鄭明訓 ; Ching, Pak Chung 程伯中 ; Chou, Vincent Wen Hsien 周文軒 ; Chow, Dennis Chi In 周志賢 ; Chu, Kenneth Ting Kin 朱鼎健 ; Fok, Tai Fai 霍泰輝 ; Hui, Michael King Man 許敬文 ; King, Ambrose Yeo Chi 金耀基 ; Lee, John Chi Kin 李子建 ; Neoh, Anthony Francis 梁定邦 ; Ng, Dennis Kee Pui 吳基培 ; Tam, Maria Wai Chu 譚惠珠 ; Tien, James Pei Chun 田北俊 ; Tuan, Rocky Sung Chi 段崇智 ; Wong, Henry Nai Ching 黃乃正 ; Wong, Simon Hin Wing 黃顯榮
Developers in supervisory or main board of CUHK: Dunn, Lydia Selina 鄧蓮如 ; Fung, William Kwok Lun 馮國綸 ; Kwok, Karl Chi Leung 郭志樑 ; Kwok, Raymond Ping Luen 郭炳聯 ; Lau, Sai Yung 劉世鏞 ; Leung, Norman Nai Pang 梁乃鵬 ; Li, Aubrey Kwok Sing 李國星 ; Liu, Pak Wai 廖柏偉 ; Luk, Roger Koon Hoo 陸觀豪 ;
Cross membership between universities: Chai, Johnny Yat Chiu 查逸超 ; Kwok, Edmund Siu Tong ; Neoh, Anthony Francis 梁定邦
e. Goddess of Democracy had been in CUHK since June 5, 2010 to December 24, 2021. Like HKU, the main board of CUHK is also heavily dominated by powerful developers, statutory body members who enjoying multiple membership among governmental organisations of this city as 'pro-establishment' camp. The unique point is that this Goddess of Democracy was not reported this year by any media before the sudden removal after HKU.
SAR government in supervisory or main board of LN/LU: ---
NPC in supervisory or main board of LN/LU:Yao, Andrew Cho Fai 姚祖輝
CCPCC in supervisory or main board of LN/LU: ---
EC or other statutory bodies in supervisory or main board of LN/LU:Yim, Foster Hong Cheuk 嚴康焯 ; Wong, Patrick Chi Kwong 黃志光 ; Pan, Su Tong 潘蘇通 ; Ma, Jimmy Yiu Tim 馬耀添 ; Kwong, Paul 鄺保羅 ; Ho, Samantha Shuk Yee 何淑懿 ; Chan, David Pun 陳斌 ; Yao, Andrew Cho Fai 姚祖輝 ; Lui, Quincy Kwan Yiu 呂鈞堯 ; Leung, Carrie Ka Lai 梁嘉麗 ; Hui, Michael Wah Kit 許華傑 ; Ho, Nicholas Lik Chi 何力治 ; Ho Lam, Emily Tim Yi 林恬兒 ; Daley Mak, Angel Hing Fun 麥慶歡 ; Cheung, Katherine Marn Kay 章曼琪 ; Cheng, Leonard Kwok Hon 鄭國漢 ; Chao, Sabrina Sih Ming 趙式明 ; Chan, Clara Ka Chai 陳家齊
Developers in supervisory or main board of LN/LU: Chan, David Pun 陳斌 ; Wong, Fonia Yeung Fong 黃仰芳 ; Wong, Augustine Ho Ming 黃浩明 ; Leung, Jacqueline Alee 梁慧 ; Gaw, Christina 吳燕安 ;
Cross membership between universities:Lee, Joseph Chung Tak 李宗德
g. ''Tiananmen Massacre'' relief of LU (The Lingnan Tiananmen Massacre relief) was eliminated on December 24, 2021. Like Goddess of Democracy, it had been there since 2010. The main board members of LU are also from the most powerful real-estate oligarchs and official 'pro-establishment' camp.
People must realise here that the radicalised university students of the Occupy Central and the Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill Movement were under their supervisory management at HKU, CUHK and LU. The vast majority of the board members were and still are official 'pro-establishment' camp. Unfortunately, students and citizens are still treating 'school management' and 'statutory bodies' abstractedly without actually knowing who they are in detail. If they really know them, then they can realise that dualism is fatally wrong about them.
3. 2021 年,支聯會解散,六四晚會不再,在香港大學校園內屹立 24 年的「國殤之柱」逃不過被移走的命途。港大昨晚(22日)深夜採取行動,把國殤之柱「斬件」裝箱運走。港大校委會表示,由於「國殤之柱」已日久老化,繼續容許該雕像於校園展示或觸犯本港刑事罪行條例,在參考獨立法律意見和進行風險評估後,昨日會議決定移走「國殤之柱」雕像(另見報道)。
國殤之柱創作人、丹麥雕塑家高志活(Jens Galschiøt)發聲明,指對事件非常震驚,強調國殤之柱是他的財產,可能會就損毀採取法律行動。整個移除國殤之柱行動,在昨晚深夜 11 時許執行,有工人在場封上圍板及白布。凌晨 4 時許,工人將一個長約 2 米、包裹白色物料的物體抬出,用吊臂車吊起並準備搬入貨櫃,相信是國殤之柱的一部分。清晨五時許,工作人員將國殤之柱分成兩部分,運入貨櫃內。接近早上七時,工作人員將裝有國殤之柱的貨櫃,運上貨車駛走,被送往位於石崗的香港大學嘉道理中心暫時存放。(3)
4. Tong knew the removal of the relief by Lingnan University was coming. But the Year Five student was still surprised that it took place just a day after the University of Hong Kong (HKU) removed another monument, the Pillar of Shame, overnight on Thursday. The university based in Pok Fu Lam had warned in October that they were seeking to remove the structure, while a statement on Thursday’s operation pointed to safety issues and a colonial-era law against sedition. [...] Almost at the same time, elsewhere in Hong Kong, a similar operation was underway. The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) ordered a statue known as the Goddess of Democracy – sculpted by Chen in 2010 as an imitation of the original monument erected by student protesters in Beijing – to be torn down. It came as a surprise to students, who said they were not informed or consulted by the administration beforehand. (4)
5. 在中大,昨晚曾有學生以數十張「民女」像的相片拼湊,讓「民女」重現中大,又用雞皮紙做了一幅臨時民主牆,還亮起燭光。惟事隔一晚,如此光境便即消失。《立場新聞》記者今晨 (25 日) 再到現場,發現已有中大職員用高理水槍清場,昨日鋪在地面的「民女」相片、臨時民主牆、公眾留下的鮮花和悼念蠟燭全被清理。(5)
The removal or exhibition of ''Tiananmen Massacre'' relief and statues has no impact on Hong Kong's own grave social issues. Those pure symbols can only be 'diplomatic' cards of the vested interests who actually run the city. Thus citizens should stay away from blue/yellow colour politics which is also run by the same 'supervisory' main board of the 'establishment'. This incident indicates that the oligarchy will recycle 'villains' in the future in order to maintain their vested interests as long as possible. Politically casted 'antagonists' always make the vested interests of this city 'protagonists' even though they themselves are just scapegoating the paid 'antagonists' for the aftermath of their own greedy profit making. In short, Hong Kong social issues are the aftermath of greedy profit making by the 'supervisory' 'pro-establishment' vested interests. Therefore citizens must directly tackle actual problems instead of blindly engaging in abstracted dualist 'political drama' produced by the same vested interests. Solving actual social issues is the only correct politics.
1., ON.CC, (July 30, 2021) '港大國殤之柱遭團體舉報 指涉違國安法散播仇恨.' Available at
2., RFA, (December 22, 2021) '【林鄭述職】港立法會選舉後即赴京述職 習近平:新選舉制度「是一套好制度」.' Available at
3., StandNews, (December 23, 2021) '港大夜拆國殤之柱「斬件」裝箱運走 校委會:雕像日久老化 續展示或犯法 高志活:震驚.' Available at港大國殤之柱範圍-晚上遭圍板白布圍封
4., HKFP, (December 25, 2021) '‘Statues tell stories, but so does removing them’: Hong Kong’s 48-hour campus crackdown on the memory of the Tiananmen Massacre.' Available at
5., StandNews, (December 25, 2021) '港大夜拆國殤之柱「斬件」裝箱運走 校委會:雕像日久老化 續展示或犯法 高志活:震驚.' Available at強拆六四記憶民女浮雕作者陳維明發聲明清除的是言論和學術自由
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