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Writer's pictureRyota Nakanishi

Who is engaging in violation of freedom of expression and anti-dissident net operations in Japan?

Updated: Dec 3, 2023

Finding interception points of Japanese Intelligence Agencies and its partners.
Regional Bureau of Telecommunications is net surveillance intelligence agency in Japan. Image: Public Domain

Finding interception points of Japanese Intelligence Agencies and its Partners

Japan’s Net Surveillance Intelligence Agency, Regional Bureau of Telecommunications (総合通信局) and its branch ‘Kantou Regional Bureau of Telecommunications (関東総合通信局).’

For instance, Japanese version of Wikipedia (ウィキペディア) is monitored by this bureau nationwide. And they already violated my human rights and other pro-democracy dissidents’ net pages and accounts on internet for many times personally known from at least 2014 until now.

For specific SNS and sites, their anonymous accounts and dynamic IP addresses (Professional people in this field said what they show is not IP address but it's a bunch of hostnames actually. ) are used for hidden and safe net operations from camouflaged physical addresses. And no notable Japanese dissident intelligentsia mentioned the existence of this intelligence agency in Japan.

Japanese dissidents know CIA, NSA, USFJ but they don't know their domestic intelligence agencies which monitoring them with police and prosecutor.

Finding interception points of Japanese Intelligence Agencies and its partners.
PIN, passcode, turning off GPS, multiple IPs are all useless to prevent monitoring like this.

Intelligent friends analysed how they -anti-dissident authorities - monitor people and break privacy completely.

Anti-Dissident Net Surveillance: Carnivore was completely illegal at the time of its birth

It was a stand-alone PC at every ISP which tapped into the trunkline (A main telecommunications link such as a phone line directly connecting exchanges or switchboards at a considerable distance apart) and isp (internet service provider) account database to sift words and track users via their ISP account regardless of the IP address.

The login for complete access was a simple 4 digit password, and the login screen displayed a large set of teeth and a username/password prompt.

After Carnivore they built large sifting machines, 220 processor Cray computers, which grab 10 words around any spoken or transmitted keyword, and determine the use by context. "that's the bomb" and "i have a bomb" take different data routes.

On a use by context hit, the data is sent to a sifting station, generally well hidden office in public places, with lots of parking (they put pillow cases over their heads when you go in) the people working at these sites accept hits and determine if they are indeed legitimate, or just someone's book report on nuclear arms etc.

The list of keywords is extensive and contains many names taken from children's shows which are used to name black ops projects i.e. Dark Smurf (not a complete keyword) or names like Dark Coder. (it is unwise to speak this name) Once an agent identifies a positive hit, they can place a "watch" on the person.

At that point everything in your life is monitored. Camera hits, ATM withdrawals and pretty much any interaction you have with the world. The intelligence computers integrate with Ships navigational computers, with MS (Microsoft) windows, all router brands and all cell phones without the users knowledge.

If you are extremely unlucky you will receive a google update on your phone containing a "roving bug" (Hot-milking a phone; Using A Smartphone As a Listening Device) this is aside from what is already embedded in our phones by a company named Wirehound.

The Japanese have no clue, that every picture taken on a global basis is scanned for faces. If you take a selfie with someone near the top of the list, your GPS turns itself on, and uploads the photos, location and full contents of your phone using machine language code hardwired into the actual chips.

Hacking your phone does not grant access to apps permanently embedded in this ROM (read only memory) area. I could get a lot more technical here, with the way they see straight through PGP (an email encryption program) encryption and scan encrypted words as if they were plain text.

Basically the sifters contain universal keys which provide a pre encrypted pattern to search for. The most secure software in the world can be cracked in seconds lol and whomever wrote this article was a complete noob, asking for a lot of trouble by posting an interception sites location.

They may have great misfortune. Secondly these are NOT IP addresses, they are hostnames which can't be taken by any website by asking for the host variable.

My system lies, and also reports the user agent variable of my choice... telling systems I am running windows, or an iPad or anything I choose. I can also change these on my phone.

As far as tracking goes. Currently you are tracked for life, and this information is stored indefinitely inside Iron Mountain(Iron Mountain provides solutions for records management, data backup and recovery, document management, secure shredding, and data centers). You can be followed by your watch, your headphones, your cars ECM(Engine Control Module), or any other devices you may have.

Scanners use GPS, Wi-Fi activity, Bluetooth, 3G, and NFC to identify and track phones everywhere they go. This is a clueless article. Would you like to see a scan using my phone? Whomever wrote this article has a rude awakening coming.

There is NO privacy, if you want privacy then lock yourself in a vault with no clothes on. GPS wafers (a thin piece of something) are sewn into the lapels (the folded flaps of cloth on the front of a jacket or coat and commonly found on formal clothing and suit jackets) of army uniforms, UPS (uninterruptible power supply) uniforms, and are hidden everywhere. Even your car drives around saying "I'm here" hahahahaha.

The best analysis by my intelligent community friend is quite professional and helpful to understand the current telecommunication monitoring and signal intelligence operations.

My main aim is not only analyse the interception points hidden in the internet chaos, but also it analyses actual black operations on internet especially in specific SNS and sites like Wikipedia.

1. Use of Camouflaged Address: ‘Kantou Regional Bureau of Telecommunications (関東総合通信局)’ has been strategically located in the same building with Chiyoda-ku Public Library (千代田図書館) and Chiyoda Ward Office(千代田区役所). As the result, when we track their dynamic IP addresses(actually hostnames it shows), search engine only shows Chiyoda-ku Public Library (千代田図書館) and Chiyoda Ward Office(千代田区役所). It is one of interception points of IP adresses and telecommunications in Tokyo. It actually camouflaged its actual address from online IP search. Furthermore, its building is next to the Tokyo Legal Affairs Bureau (東京法務局) and Tokyo District Prosecutors Office (東京地方検察庁). Their tight political co-operators on black operations against dissidents.

2. Co-operators of Net operations: Their dynamic IP addresses (actually hostnames) also pointing JP Tower (JPタワー) where two information industrial giants Salesforce.comCo. (株式会社セールズフォース•ドットコム) and Net One Systems Co., Ltd. (ネットワンシステムズ株式会社) located in one building. The entire JP Tower is the HQ address of Net One Systems Co., Ltd. which is the major co-operator of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications and its ‘Kantou Regional Bureau of Telecommunications (関東総合通信局)’ . For instance, their CISCO system and Salesforce system are integrated into major companies' tele-communication operations in Japan and business net operations. And their major client is the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (総務省) who the ‘Kantou Regional Bureau of Telecommunications (関東総合通信局)’ belongs to. Their false flagger always uses dynamic IP (hostname) addresses between the two locations. Two interception points in major IP addresses, telecommunication-circulated area in Tokyo.

3. Use of dynamic IP addresses/ hostnames (可変IP) which connected with smartphone:

a. ‘Kantou Regional Bureau of Telecommunications (関東総合通信局)’ dynamic IP address(actually a hostname) They used a smartphone(iPhone) at Japan time 10:43 pm. for Surveillance. The dynamic IP address (hostname) shows below:

Finding interception points of Japanese Intelligence Agencies and its partners.
Then, we tracked their more detailed geographic information. Closing up into the building, you can see who is located inside of the Chiyoda-ku Public Library (千代田図書館) and Chiyoda Ward Office(千代田区役所). Although the 9th floor provides free Wi-Fi-service, the library working time is between 10:00 am to 10:00 pm. And the working time of Chiyoda Ward Office is only from 8:30am to 5:30pm. Furthermore, there are huge parking lots outside. (This is the critical intelligence to identify the user)

This host name is typical of iPhone, it is used for Internet connection of SOFTBANK MOBILE Corp. "" Ltd. in Japan, and its share is about 6%. In Tokyo alone, half of the entire IP addresses in Japan concentrated, and Tokyo has about 100 million IP addresses. And, with IP address, numbers are concentrated in Chiyoda Ward, which is overcrowded, after Shinjuku. In order to determine the position information probabilistically, the position information of the Tokyo metropolitan area with the largest population is judged. (1)

Note: The problem dealt with is the geographical relationship between the existence of intelligence agencies and the fact that these line connections are concentrated here and JPTower.

No one can imagine there is an intelligence agency inside of the ward office and library building.

Finding interception points of Japanese Intelligence Agencies and its partners.

日本〒102-0074 Tōkyō-to, Chiyoda-ku, Kudanminami, 1 Chome−2, 〒102-8795 11 九段第3 合同庁舎22・23階

〒102-0074 東京都千代田区九段南1丁目2〒102-8795 11 九段第3 合同庁舎22・23階

b. Co. (株式会社セールズフォース•ドットコム) and Net One Systems Co., Ltd. (ネットワンシステムズ株式会社)

They also frequently used dynamic IP addresses (hostnames) at JP Tower. For example, which used to false flag Mr. Kazuhide Uekusa who is an economist of Japan, a victim of famous false flag operations against him by pro-establishment police and prosecutors.

Those who engage in network black operations utilize the host name of the variable IP via the building of JP Tower in Chiyoda Ward. The building there is exactly the one that introduces the largest information communication monitoring system in Japan of the Ministry of Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts and Telecommunications Network Corporation. It is confirmed that the same agent access via this place mainly comes and goes between their hostnames as well as Chiyoda ward office building. Actually, this building itself is the head office address of Net One Systems Co., Ltd., which is a major technical partner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications and its comprehensive communication bureau.   It is via this JP Tower that there are many accesses in the morning, daytime and working hours, and it will also appear in the middle of the night via the building with the Kanto Communication Bureau with the Chiyoda Ward Office. The point is that connections via these two buildings that are closest to intelligence agencies are concentrated strategically.

Finding interception points of Japanese Intelligence Agencies and its partners.
日本〒100-0005 Tōkyō-to, Chiyoda-ku, Marunouchi, 2 Chome−2−7-2 JP Tower is HQ address of Net One Systems which is main technical provider of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (総務省) . Inside of it, other contributor Salesforce located. JPタワー12階, 2 Chome-7-2 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tōkyō-to 100-7012日本

In general, they actually used these dynamic IPs/hostnames to engage in each black ops case on SNS, sites.

Basically, they accessed via JP tower where the best intelligence ops partner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (総務省) and ‘Kantou Regional Bureau of Telecommunications (関東総合通信局) located. It's geographical coincidence is not an accident of mother nature.

I shall list up some of dynamic IPs (hostnames) they used.( Communications Corporation(NTT is not located at JP Tower):This Marunouchi means it gained dynamic IP (hostname) via JPTOWER. (Note: their intercepting points are more tightly linked with their work places than ordinary users)

The same agent sometimes used below:

Sapporo City Government Communications Corporation

Tomakomai 日本〒060-0001 Hokkaidō, Sapporo-shi, Chūō-ku, Kita 1 Jōnishi, 2 Chome−1-7

Part of Aomori Communications Corporation

Aomori 4 Chome-10 Okidate, Aomori-shi, Aomori-ken 038-0002日本

Hodogaya Ward Office

日本〒240-0007 Kanagawa-ken, Yokohama-shi, Hodogaya-ku, Myōjindai, 3, 神奈川県横浜市保土ケ谷区明神台48保土ケ谷都市緑地3号

Others, but used the same hostname .

There are more than that. It's enough to have dynamic IPs (hostnames) that used by them for black ops. Abuse of human rights, false flag operations against dissidents and pro-democracy activists are not tolerable.

It shows technical and business connection between Net One Systems Co., Ltd. and Regional Bureau of Telecommunications below:

Finding interception points of Japanese Intelligence Agencies and its partners.
They rented LAN network devices from their favourite company.

It shows that Net One Systems Co., Ltd. is the major technical co-operator than Salesforce. However, major client of Salesforce still is the same, Regional Bureau of Telecommunications. Reading the LAN network device here reminds me of the analysis below.   ▼ There were three things related to the communication business in what the former Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications (currently absorbed and integrated in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications) was doing. Currently it is work of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications. 1. Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communication International Strategy Bureau's "STARS" ( complete version of phone number ledger) 2. "PARTNER" (database of illegal acquisition information) of the Information Distribution Administration Bureau of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications 3. Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications "DEURAS-D" (cell phone information acquisition) 1. It is easy to create a full version of the phone book. 3. Management of mobile phone number. What I want to make as a question is "2. Database of illegal acquisition information". This original purpose is to support the implementation of radio station supervising affairs such as radio station application etc., processing, radio usage fee collection, frequency management etc. promptly and efficiently. That is a good thing. However, once it was used by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications for good reasons. This is my motive for becoming doubtful and starting to investigate.

In fact, there is a high possibility that illegal communication monitoring is carried out. The principal target seems to be very extensively monitored, such as the Prime Minister and other ministers of the Cabinet, parliamentarians and lawmakers, business managers and celebrities. In particular, by monitoring the mobile phone, it is possible to use the contents of the call (conversation sound), call history, and position information (it is about 30 ㎡ when considered on the scale on the map, so it is roughly specified by the interval of one utility pole) It's acquiring personal information illegally. Moreover, it is in a form that avoided the tone ringer (calling / ringing tone) circuit. It avoids Torn Ringer, you will not hear bell sounds, so you will not notice. The only exception is the IP phone case, in this case it can be distinguished from the communication LED. In mobile phones it is indiscriminable unless you use electric field strength meter, it is very malignant. In short, legitimate mobile phones and fixed phones are transformed into illegal "eavesdropping devices" by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications. The important thing is that the current Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (for former Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications) has established a system that can illegally monitor up to individuals and households in addition to the above.

In the first place, the database "PARTNER" of the illegal acquisition information had the data center set up at the present Azabu post office. This is described on the 2nd page of "Comprehensive Radio Station Management System" leaflet which is stored in the National Diet Library Digital Collection. "PARTNER" builds various databases related to radio stations and utilizes the database to support the implementation of radio station supervising affairs such as radio station application processing, radio fee collection, frequency management, etc. promptly and efficiently It is a system to do. It consists of eleven local departments nationwide, mainly of the Iikura Center, and a network of the ministry. Quote source: The Iikura Center was also the current post office in Azabu and was also the headquarters building of the former Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications. The time when the data center was set up in this office building will be before and after the postal privatization riot. It is thought that it is very high that it is currently in use.

In conclusion, it is very likely that the current Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (former postal department) is carrying out illegal communication monitoring that ignores the Constitution (Article 21, paragraph 2) as a business.

In short, it means that you are "sniffing". In the terminology of the former Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, this is expressed using the secret word "supervision(監理 kanri) ". One example, in the broadcasting department of Kantou Regional Bureau of Telecommunications (関東総合通信局) there is a job title "Planning Supervisor(企画監理官 kikaku-kanrikan)." Therefore, if we return to the beginning, there is a high possibility that the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry share this "PARTNER" system, frequently cooperate in the field of information and communication, and get information from there.

The Ministry of Internal affairs and Communications is Information and Communications Bureau; the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry is the Ministry of Commerce and Information Policy Bureau. And Aoyama-san's affiliation at the source is the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Policy Information Bureau, Information Processing Promotion Division. In other words, it belongs to the intelligence department.

Here, the whole is outlined not only as a specific monitoring operation method but also as a monitoring system.

In this monitoring system, monitoring and black operations against the dissidents are carried out in collaboration with the police and prosecutors.

There is news that proves tight connection between the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications and Net One Systems Co., Ltd.. That is the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications recognised Net One Systems Co., Ltd. as the best contributor in the tele-network field in Japan with the award 100 Tele-Work Pioneers Selection, the Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications Award in 2017.

Finding interception points of Japanese Intelligence Agencies and its partners.
Cited from Cited from
Finding interception points of Japanese Intelligence Agencies and its partners.
The major client of Salesforce is the same with Net One Systems.

Well, let's continue to introduce a typical case demonstrating the most prominent malignant nature of slander in the net by the variable IPs (hostnames).

Finding interception points of Japanese Intelligence Agencies and its partners.

Their silly and hypocrite false flagger re-added false information to demonise Mr. Uekusa. Further see the below:

Finding interception points of Japanese Intelligence Agencies and its partners.

‘Kantou Regional Bureau of Telecommunications (関東総合通信局)’ belongs to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications(総務省), and one of branches of Regional Bureau of Telecommunications they are monitoring entire network, radio and outer space mass communications in Ibaragi, Tochigi, Saitama, Chiba, Tokyo, Kanagawa and Yamanashi prefectures. The headquarters and the monitoring department have been moved to buildings of Chiyoda ward office and Chiyoda library from 2007, and are conducting surveillance work. Apart from their monitoring activities themselves, they use variable IP (hostnames) consistently for individual networking black ops on sites like SNS and Wikipedia. Access to this surveillance work and network is from the building of the Chiyoda ward office and the Chiyoda library where the Kanto Communication Bureau is located, the head office building with the major tele-communication partner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Net One Systems Co., Ltd.. They are connected via the two most convenient monitoring centers, interception points for them, via Chiyoda ward office building and JP Tower, and are engaged in monitoring and black ops.

In Japan, the intelligence agency in Japan which intercepts communication information illegally on endless and unlimited land and outer space, and it engages in the black ops on political dissidents that is a comprehensive monitoring station, its headquarters and monitoring department location mentioned above. It is the monitoring station of Kantou Regional Bureau of Telecommunications located. Its 'official' work is permission and approval of radio waves, but it does not recognize a part of their monitoring work as follows, but it expresses as if wrapped in a blind oblaat.   The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Kanto Regional Communication Bureau, before the holding of the Japan - China - South Korea - Summit Meeting and other related meetings, held the director meeting from the 7th to 11th May, setting up Communication disturbance countermeasure implementation headquarters "to strengthen the radio wave monitoring system. <Overview> In preparation for the occurrence of interference and radio disturbance to important wireless communications such as police and fire-fighting radio, air radio, railway radio etc. at the Japan-China-Korea summit talks and related meetings to be held in Tokyo from May 8 to 11, We will strengthen the radio monitoring system on a 24-hour basis. - Kantou Regional Bureau of Telecommunications


Image Source: Public Domain and Screenshots


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